Any tips ? WRC Sardinia June 25

Any tips ? WRC Sardinia June 25



Original Poster:

310 posts

193 months

Sunday 18th August
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Thinking of visiting the Sardinia round and combining with 5 days extra holiday (beach oriented)

Has anyone spectated here and any guidance please ?
Took a look at rally of Sardinia web page which mentions some packages with vip car parking but they seem almost Silverstone F1 pricing !,

Have just signed up to rally so will see what that brings


309 posts

177 months

Saturday 31st August
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Did you do the trip?

Looks like there is no alternative to coughing up for some sort of spectating pass?

Been looking at a trip to the central European rally.

99 Euros appears to be the cheapest option and you get the pass sent in the post.

The days of filling a hire car and finding your own way into the stages appear to be very long gone on WRC rounds.


Original Poster:

310 posts

193 months

Thursday 12th September
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Hey…no it’s 2025 we are looking to go ,