Woodpecker rally this weekend

Woodpecker rally this weekend



Original Poster:

600 posts

210 months

Wednesday 4th September
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Anyone planning on going to the woodpecker in mid Wales this weekend? It's moved from it's traditional base of Ludlow to Newtown Powys. I was planning on spectating in Hafren forest but the guide says no spectator access, I assume this means no chargeable parking but you can still spectate


1,964 posts

166 months

Wednesday 4th September
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I'll be competing. No idea on spectator access but we're using Sweet Lamb and usual there's decent access there.


Original Poster:

600 posts

210 months

Wednesday 4th September
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which car are you in? we'll look out for you.


1,964 posts

166 months

Wednesday 4th September
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278. Bright blue wide-arched K11 Micra in the 1400 class.


Original Poster:

600 posts

210 months

Wednesday 4th September
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Best of luck, we'll hopefully be watching on the Hafren North and south stages


3,942 posts

126 months

Wednesday 4th September
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Weekend away from Rallying this weekend for me. Out at Loton Park this weekend first time there in over 30 years then Over to York for the First Yorkshire Hill Rally next weekend.

Good luck SJABrown on the Woodpecker.