3.5 ton tilt bed plant trailer



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Friday 14th July 2023
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3.5ton low bed plant trailer with full width ramp AND tilting bed (never seen that combination before).
Believe from the serial that its it's an older Brian James.
10'10" x 5' 8" bed with aluminium treadplate floor and a very long a-frame to accommodate overhanging load or a large storage box.
Avonride rubber sprung axles. Brakes and handbrake work fine, electrics all work, loads of tread on the tyres.
I bought this for a project that didn't come off, and now it's surplus to my requirements. The running gear has clearly been recently rustproofed, since owning it I have repaired any cracks in the mudguards, added a locking hitch and new bellows, and sourced a spare wheel with a brand new appropriately rated tyre (running on 185 R14s). Ready to roll and provide many years more work!

£2300 ono PH price, located near Skelmersdale Lancs.