Possible New regulations for kitcars

Possible New regulations for kitcars



Original Poster:

2,645 posts

180 months

Thursday 9th May
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Don't know if you've seen these draft regulations for kit and classic cars?

I don't have one at the moment but who knows?



4,274 posts

229 months

Monday 13th May
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I've filled out that form quite comprehensively, trying to argue on the grounds of keeping older (classic and historic) or scrap value (kit car) cars alive is less wasteful and has lower environmental impact than scrapping and buying new.

There's opportunity to hold forth on quite a few subjects within the document and goodness knows how they'll cope with myriad responses all raising different points, but I thought it was worth a go not least to try to make kit car ownership (that is, inspection and registration) less onerous. If it helps reuse old car parts, keeps specialists in business and helps bolster the struggling kit car industry I'm all for putting in a bit of effort.