Cobras: Why always such low mileage?

Cobras: Why always such low mileage?



5,138 posts

42 months

Monday 15th July
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Dreams vs reality.

Check out Ariel Nomad in the PH classifieds. Much the same story.


874 posts

175 months

Thursday 18th July
quotequote all
I’ve had mine for 8 months now and including the trip from the paint shop (30 miles), I’ve done a grand total of……..56 miles!! Pathetic, but with crap weather and a busy life sometimes it’s just nice to have an ornament to stare at in the garage.


874 posts

175 months

Thursday 18th July
quotequote all
I’ve had mine for 8 months now and including the trip from the paint shop (30 miles), I’ve done a grand total of……..56 miles!! Pathetic, but with crap weather and a busy life sometimes it’s just nice to have an ornament to stare at in the garage.