Murtaya Track Day Open Invite

Murtaya Track Day Open Invite



17,407 posts

229 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Looks good in that color bluethumbup Black metallic or even White with those black/dark-grey wheels would look awesome tooyes also nice action pics


4,262 posts

229 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Yes I agree the blue suited it really well. I've been thinking through the colour combinations and can't think of a better one yet. I've got a notion that a bright red would also look good but then so many others are often red - Libra, Ultima - that perhaps it's best in a good metallic.

I reckon the design's sophisticated enough that solid colours aren't necessary to make a statement - this car in yellow or orange would be loud!

Good pics Mark, will you be putting any more up? I was negligent and didn't take any myself, and have a very interested friend in Oz who wants to see as much detail as possible!


579 posts

228 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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I have posted a lot of pics in other Murtaya threads, showing the interior and roof etc.

I will post a ew more from yesterday when I have had a good look through the ones I took.