RE: 'Team Westfield'

RE: 'Team Westfield'

Tuesday 18th December 2001

'Team Westfield'

Westfield Sportscars have set up their own club type organisation providing access to exlusive driving events, track days and also discount vouchers.

Westfield Managing Director, Chris Smith, said: "Westfield’s philosophy is to make high performance track driving accessible to all enthusiasts, not just those with big bank balances. We have always built affordable cars for road and track use – now we are giving owners a range of unique opportunities to both learn techniques, and use, their cars in the sort of high quality environments that only a company sponsored programme can provide."

Events already planned for 2002 include a driving dynamics day and hill climb schools; a full programme of regional track events; and a drive to the Le Mans 24-hour race.

The discount voucher books members will receive will provide ‘money-off’ a wide range of parts and accessories; car insurance; and some of the track and social events.



Original Poster:

699 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
quotequote all

It's a very nice race car. Would be nice if they made the chassis a feet or so longer and few inches wider. Also change that rectangular nose into a streamline sharp snooped nose like the F1s.

In terms of looks, I would give the upper hand to the SR3. But if we were to compared the price, this would be a better deal.

Overall, style, pound per pound, dollar per dollar, and performance aren't bad at all. I give it a 7/10.