anyone heard of a car called the nemisis?

anyone heard of a car called the nemisis?



Original Poster:

102 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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driving up the m1 last night and saw what can only be described as one of the most awsume looking cars ever this thing looked as if it was fed on steroids.

need to no more but dont know were to look first help

ye and its a v8 i think

>>> Edited by race on Tuesday 18th December 19:14


133 posts

280 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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The Nemesis is a kitcar based along the lines of the Koenig/Ferrari Testarossa.
It has a multi-tube chassis etc etc. Company Demo car had Jag V12 but V8's were fitted to cars. Built by company called RV Dynamics 56 Ferring Hill, Ferring, Colchester, Essex. Dont know if they are still going. Here is their numbers you can try 01376 570812 or 0802 813649 - but we are talking around mid 1997. good luck.


Original Poster:

102 posts

273 months

Tuesday 18th December 2001
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thanks shall check it out

only thing is that it was more tvr looking than ferrari


1,107 posts

274 months

Wednesday 19th December 2001
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This is a Nemesis
and it's for sale. £25k (lol)RVD are still in business-details as per Lawrence1's post.