RE: Concept 6

Friday 21st December 2001

Online Clinic

Tell the designers what you think of their 21st century sportscar



Original Poster:

34,443 posts

308 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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My favourite but definite overtones of Westfield.


1,107 posts

274 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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For my money:
1)Ludicrous, it looks as though it's the wrong way round.
2)This looks like a vaguely phallic take on the lotus 7
3)The aerofoil/roll over bar is intriguing (sp?) but the front end treatment is a little odd !
4)Tank racer inspiration presumably-would look at home on the salt flats...
5)This is lovely. 7 meets 340 looks as though it could be a production car
6) Westfield FW400 pure and simple
7) Slight feeling of Plymouth Prowler, bit overlong for me
If anyone wants to productionise 5 I'd be very happy to part with the cash. I'm glad to see it's not going to rain in 2005 (no roofs) global warming ???


15 posts

287 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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My leasy favorite. pushes design nowhere. Is simply a tarted up Seven. shows no vision. completely forget ... yep ... already forgot it


5 posts

273 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Nice car, but then I own a Westfield :-)


5 posts

273 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Concept 7 the page won't let me comment on the Concept 7, but its my favourite, it would be good to see a higher shot though


6 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Just another Caterfield.


43 posts

282 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Agree entirely with the other comments that this is no more than a tweak to the original design. Not a spiritual successor, so much as an evolution of the current designs by Dax, Caterham and Westfield.


7 posts

280 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Well you had to throw a shot of a Westy in as a point of reference didn't you?


749 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Definitely sticks to more traditional lines but the design works for me and still has features to reminisce of the 7's and the F1 cars when I were a mere slip of a lad!

It has curves and a sleek design but not sure about the indicator cluster (and does the car come with night vision goggles???) or lack of windscreen and would be nice to see the rear end!



749 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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How come when I click on Concept 7 I end up here?

Nice though init?



Original Poster:

34,443 posts

308 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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How come when I click on Concept 7 I end up here?



1,137 posts

289 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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winner by a mile, keeps to the spirit as well as actually looking like it could be built. THe others are great, but rather like the land shark, I don't see myself parting with the hard earned for them.


4 posts

287 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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In my opinion, designs number 1, 5&6 are the best, they are modern and capturing the classic feel of the original 7. The problem with number 1 I guess, will be the pillars which will not allow easy access to the cockpit. Number 5 is good, but reminds me with the 340R.
And for number 6, it has hints of the original 7, especially in the front and this is needed.
I think they have to look again at these 3 sketches, forget the others and I'm sure they'll come up with the right design.


24 posts

273 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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1. Potential: If you were to raise the two bars so that they would form both a windscreen support and a roof frame. If these were structural members as well it could result in a very stiff chassis with pretty good crash protection.
2. Like it: particularly the nose shape.
3. Good Nose: It looks transparent, and this is a nice touch, perhaps you could extend the transparent panel down the middle of the car, giving a twist on the popular Caterham strip and coloured mouth surround. It would also show off the stonking engine that would obviously be fitted.
4. Two “concept” to comment.
5. Better than 2.
6. Nothing radically different from any seven.
7. Guff.

Where is the innovation in any of these? First job you should be tackle is the seven’s shocking aerodynamics, which mean that most aren’t much quicker than the average rep-mobile come 80mph.


3 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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My favorite too, looks like the "prisoner" car, a small Lotus.


7 posts

289 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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I reckon it looks the part - definitely a 7 with a bit of 340R/Ariel Atom in the roll bars/lights department. Nice. Others look a bit too Plymouth Prowler to me.


1 posts

288 months

Saturday 22nd December 2001
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I would be nice if it had a roof.


35 posts

281 months

Saturday 22nd December 2001
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The best design but too similar to my MegaBird.


5 posts

289 months

Sunday 23rd December 2001
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Very nice!!!!!

If I'd buy a 7 like car it would be that thing.

whoever created that drawing> go make it in 1/1!


1 posts

273 months

Monday 24th December 2001
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REally like the look of this but what about the exhaust ?