RE: Concept 3

Friday 21st December 2001

Online Clinic

Tell the designers what you think of their 21st century sportscar



Original Poster:

6 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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No real caracter to the body, too bland, too much like 2&5 which are better.


43 posts

282 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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I prefer this one's more minimalist approach. Very smooth and very sharp. The Lotus 7 had the curves and the flared arches, and to try and copy that wouldn't work. This is why I think this one is the better design, as it has the contrasting angular design, but retains the feel of the stark Lotus 7.

My only bug-bear is that rear wing/roll-over protection bar. Needs refining a bit more.


7 posts

280 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Not an efficient shape at all, flat panels need to be much thicker and therefore heavier. It doesn't appeal to me anyway even if you ignor the technical reasons, to boring.


749 posts

275 months

Friday 21st December 2001
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Looks like a cross between a Citroen BX and a coffin... and I'd only be seen dead in one of those!



141 posts

275 months

Saturday 22nd December 2001
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i like it. reminds me of a 340 r.

no roll over protection and pedestrian unfriendly nose


141 posts

275 months

Saturday 22nd December 2001
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but after looking at all the others, i vote this as my favorite.

Since in this type of car the seats are so near the rear, maybe you can make a rear spoiler that doubles as a roll over bar? Maybe that is what is intended anyway - looking more closely I believe the intention is that the rear spoiler vertical supports double as roll over protection? If so, clever! If not, it would be a good idea!

What is stopping a woman with long hair getting her hair caught in the exposed rear wheel, descalping here? I still shudder when i remember seeing this girl (nothing happened to her) riding pillion on a motorbike, she had really really long hair and i could see the end of the pony tail just inches from the bikes rear wheel. ugh....

Maybe you want to consider the worst that can happen and design against it.

I like the rear spoiler/roll over bar though, nice touch.

The nose needs to be pedestrian friendly.

Aside from that, this is overall the most modern design, borrowing nothing from the 7 (maybe a bit from the 3404 though, but this is a more pure design than it).
1,4 - hopeless
2,5,6 - too derivative of the 7 (though i like the bonnet cover on 2)
7 - too much like an SLR/Prowler hybrid

3 is my favorite.


10 posts

275 months

Friday 11th January 2002
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Why are all of these concepts slab sided and reminisant of the original. Lets see something new!