Activa V6, French stealth

Activa V6, French stealth



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8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Hi....Xantia ACTIVA S1.SCCAR.v6 3.0ltr 24v, manual.

I spent a very long time looking but I finally found what I wanted, a very early S1 car.
Sourced in the south of France with the added bonus of zero tinworm.

The active roll control however did need some extensive rebuilding (time, not much money) but now it works as it should, lets just say its outstandingly comfortable but in corners, it is just unnatural smile

Cheers and hello to all Piston Heads


4,792 posts

133 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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ahh from when Citroens were Citroens....

very cool car, more pics please...


13,080 posts

177 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Excellent. Good work.

I know of a few conversions to V6, but this is the real deal.

How come you went for a LHD rather than a conversion?


Original Poster:

8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Because conversions are just that, conversions. Not my cuppa, pointless I know but it is just a feeling I have.
That said, few people know (and thus value) these cars in the UK so the "market" for them is Holland/France/Germany, especially an S1 car.
If I ever sell it, it will more than likely go back across the channel so a left hooker is best IMHO.

That said, it was blue and has had a respray (what Citroen's from the 1990's don't flake their lacquer ?) which although "not bad" and in a colour (Renault) that is very close to the similar Citroen red....but I can live with it for a while as only the real Citroen heads notice. Respray next year after I have lived with it for a while and have sorted the other "niggles" suck as trim, a couple bushes etc.

S10GTA said:
Excellent. Good work.

I know of a few conversions to V6, but this is the real deal.

How come you went for a LHD rather than a conversion?
Edited by Stickyfinger on Thursday 30th July 12:28


245 posts

197 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Very nice, and the rarity makes it even cooler!


Original Poster:

8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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ally_f said:
Very nice, and the rarity makes it even cooler!
As an original production car yes even in Europe they are very very rare now and do not often come onto the market, I waited over a year !
It is in fact the only one in the UK (bar a horrid one "up north/out east" that is a box of snakes on East European plates)
Taken on the "shake bed" during the MOT....the Rear Active Ram in operation

Edited by Stickyfinger on Thursday 30th July 12:47

Edited by Stickyfinger on Thursday 30th July 13:00


959 posts

219 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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That looks absolutely lovely and is a properly interesting car. Well done and I look forward to updates!

If only Citroen could make anything with that level of appeal now (although used C6s do look interesting).


Original Poster:

8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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kapiteinlangzaam said:
Theres a V6 Activa for sale here in NL, for shed money!
Go for it, just check whats wrong first as there will be a reason if its from someone who knows them (or not if someone who thinks just Xantia if your lucky smile )
Also a S1 car which is nice. Leather seats for these are rare, but standard seat covers (in leather) are an easy swap and that way you retain the Activa adjustable side bolsters (normal cars/V6's did not have it)

Edited by Stickyfinger on Thursday 30th July 13:47


227 posts

181 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Great engine! I had two 406 Coupes with that lump and the later higher power version.


13,080 posts

177 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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I have a real soft spot for my original activa, the second less so. The third was alright, but it was the wrong time for me.

I'd love a RHD V6 activa estate. I'm sure it can't be too hard to build...

Edited by S10GTA on Friday 31st July 08:39


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8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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V6 Exclusive Tourer is a dream of many owners, one was made up from what I photos it seems so maybe an urban myth.

It is however a LOT of work for a car with a low who would apart from a Citroen nutter ?


13,080 posts

177 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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That is the problem I've always faced. I'm not skilled to do the work, and it would cost a bomb to get it all grafted onto an Estate.

I have just seen the LHD V6 Activa on FCF which would negate the need for 3 cars however....


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8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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That car, it is very "do able" and has not yet sold (as far is known) for the silly money the vendor was asking. It will take a fair amount of work just to clean it up and solve its basic problems....but I would if i did not have a choice.
He did not "play" with a straight bat either which did not help, not telling folks what is wrong on a specialist forum is not cricket.....then to get upset when people see them (and more) from the photos.....

I even got an ACTIVA watch to go with it smile

one of the "LeBodges" I found when I inspected the car, this is the rear Active Ram, these are push/pull rams and this looked like stone damage.....they don't like gravel !

Made from "unobtainium" like many parts are now, donor cars are a total need with these as |Citroen are very harsh with old parts, many are NFP like these swirl degass pots. These btw are buried at the back next to the exhaust pipe which does the plastic no good and if they go pop, you loose your coolant to well below the heads frown

Spare be rebuilt as a bit of a stormer

Brakes when purchased....HORRID


Nothing needed under it, and it is 18 this year smile

I have fitted a can holder now smile.....VERY comfy Citroen leather electric seats with working side bolsters, better than those in the x7!.....GJ going backwards Citroen !

Hello sonny boy !

Shadow R1

3,829 posts

186 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Sure looks the part. smile

"lebodge" hehe


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8,429 posts

115 months

Thursday 30th July 2015
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Shadow R1 said:
"lebodge" hehe
Under "LeBodge"

And under that the Active Ram, OK once the leak back sleeve was re sealed (the outer black part) and a replacement concertina gaiter sleeve (above) from a friend was fitted. Note the paper cleanliness is essential with any proper Citroen ! At the bas of the ram are the twin pipes to feed the ram, VERY high pressures and mineral have to take great care to depressurize the system correctly (unique to the Activa)or at the worst the whole garage gets covered ! or you have a jet of Green Blood (LHM) half blind you smile

I made a inspection/access panel to the rear control ram/electro-valves/leak back tubes and regulator etc, this makes life easy as otherwise you have to drop the subframe !

wax anti corrosion coating (used on ships) to retard bi-metal corrosion. Masked up for drilling and painting before a over-sized panel cut from the donor car was fitted/bolted

(I have since replaced the carpet with a clean unstained one...hence the cut)

Edited by Stickyfinger on Friday 31st July 00:09

Edited by Stickyfinger on Friday 31st July 00:11


237 posts

116 months

Friday 31st July 2015
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Very jealous of a V6 Activa!

They imported around 30 or so in Australia. One of which lives in my street, but I don't think the owner actually knows what they have...

Is it true that many of the suspension bits are NLA?


Original Poster:

8,429 posts

115 months

Friday 31st July 2015
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Many bits are NFP (Citroen term) and not just the suspension , I think it means No F####ing Parts.

Lots of work going on to solve the NFP problem....rams as you see can now be rebuilt, control rods remade, Ram lower bushes are a Pug Van part it turns out...ect
ect...I am having a water pipe set those that have are working to help each other.

If you can get the car legally smile....then you can keep them going with a bit of effort, some very good guys/good help in Aus and fantastic on your roads apparently from reports.

Edited by Stickyfinger on Friday 31st July 01:34


237 posts

116 months

Friday 31st July 2015
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I've only ever driven a non-hydractive cars - Almost bought a bright red MK1 as my first car many moons ago...

Massive soft spot for them. In a world of boring rep-mobiles, the Xantia was so much cooler than anything else. Same goes for the BX before it...


2,505 posts

193 months

Friday 31st July 2015
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Always wanted a go in an Activa. Not 100% sure I'd want to own one though?


Original Poster:

8,429 posts

115 months

Friday 31st July 2015
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You would after smile