The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage

The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage



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232 months

Monday 11th November 2024
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7 5 7 said:
That is cheap motoring for what it is, does that include purchase price too, and garage labor costs (unless you've done it all DIY?)..,which I know you have done for most of the bits n' bobs from your thread smile

Edited by 7 5 7 on Monday 11th November 13:12
Yes includes any depreciation I've had.

All the servicing was at Sytner Nottingham.

Most of the repairs were done by me.


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232 months

Thursday 14th November 2024
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mercedeslimos said:
26p is very cheap.

For reference, I run a 2011 Mondeo 2.0 TDCi, and my cost is 32 cent (euro) per mile. I've run it for 5 years and just shy of 100k miles. However, that's had some paintwork, a couple of extra sets of wheels for winter tyres etc, and I've also fastidiously maintained it - it's had 2 sets of shocks in that 100k.
Ha my front shocks have done 206k miles.


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232 months

Monday 23rd December 2024
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310k passed.


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232 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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ATM said:
Good vid but can't believe he bought one with an open diff, wtf?

Started reading the comments then realised there are way too many to get through, 687 right now.

I did notice a comment from someone about their 300k mile touring too.
Hardly any had the diff option.

Ironically I just sold the Drexler differential out of my car to someone with an M140i.


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232 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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ATM said:

So you're back to open now?
Yes for the use it gets, I've not even noticed it not being there, apart from the fact it doesn't skip, when the diff bound up, pulling out of my drive in the morning like it used to.


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232 months

Monday 6th January
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OvalOwl said:
Teds got me twice now.

Ignore the parking, I was late for the dentist!


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232 months

Friday 10th January
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cossy400 said:
"Spotted" today outside lane of the M1 near Leicester

I'd off pipped but I was in my truck lol

11am wish I think??
Southbound? That was me!

Came off on the 69 going down to Amersham.


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232 months

Wednesday 15th January
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Service number 18 complete. Only issue found was the rear tyres are on 2mm (new ones being fitted Saturday) and the NSR caliper is missing its dust cover from the bleed nipple.

I was 3106 miles late in getting the service after having to rearrange the date and Sytner needing over a month to get me booked in again!

Service history so far:


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1,048 posts

232 months

Wednesday 15th January
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RicksAlfas said:
Impressive service history! Do the service guys express any interest in the car, or is it just another job for them?
Yes most show an interest. I guess as they expect it'd be knackered and falling apart, then it comes back with a totally clean health check.

Also booking it in is fun. 311,000.

Oh 31000

No 311000

Oh sorry 11000

Noooooooooo 3 1 1 0 0 0


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232 months

Thursday 16th January
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zorba_the_greek said:
Fantastic lol

How are you clock up these kinds of miles. Amazing
It actually shares my mileage with 3 other cars. So it’d do more if I only had one.

I think I do 40k a year still.


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232 months

Friday 17th January
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mjames75 said:
Looks so good. I recently bought an f31 d3 too in mineral grey. Is yours on 20s? Looks low!
It’s on 19’s but I run a taller sidewall for some more comfort.

I see a few “tall” D3’s. I assume some have had normal springs fitted at some point, since the standard ones are never in stock and take upwards of 12 weeks to come.


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232 months

Saturday 18th January
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Billy_Whizzzz said:
Brilliant. Be good to see. Listing what has been replaced over the years (how many wheel bearings etc.). Gives me hope for my G31 530d which at 70,000 is just having a few niggles. I had a previous 530d where the gearbox went - have you serviced yours…?
It’s got some miles on the service items.

Wheel bearings, turbos, prob bearings etc etc have all done 311k.

Front dampers have done 220k.

Rear dampers have done 100k.

The gearbox oil is still original.


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232 months

Wednesday 22nd January
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New rears fitted.

Gone with the Hankooks again. Since the rears nearly did 40k


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232 months

Wednesday 22nd January
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Robmarriott said:
I didn’t know the B/D3 was available with 19s. How much clearance is there over the front brakes?

I've had 18's with full winters on in the past and they clear too.

The 20's look daft and don't half make the ride choppy.


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232 months

Wednesday 22nd January
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CallorFold said:
I think they're Kinergy 4S2's looking at the tread. Fitted these to my Mercedes a year or 2 ago based on Tyre Reviews. I seem to recall at the time they matched the Michelin CrossClimates in dry scenarios, out-performed in the wet scenarios and then were a bit worse in snow, which seemed to suit UK Weather quite well, plus they were a good few quid cheaper.

Things may have moved on of course (that was likely based on 2023 Tyres/data)

Edited by CallorFold on Wednesday 22 January 13:10
Correct on all fronts.

It was that review that directed me to them.

On the Alpina I've seen this for wear on the rears:

40k Hankook
24k PS4S'
21k for Eagle F1's.


Original Poster:

1,048 posts

232 months

Tuesday 28th January
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Another MOT pass.

I needs a roll bar link so nothing big.

312,761 miles.


Original Poster:

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232 months

Tuesday 28th January
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Shooter McGavin said:
18,984 miles between MOTs, it's certainly seeing some action!

I do about 4,000 miles a year in my M3, which I consider to be my 'daily'!! hehe

(I work from home 3 out of 5 days)
I did 8k in my old Yaris GR and 2k in my M3 in the same time period too.


Original Poster:

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232 months

Sunday 2nd February
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Good man.

I passed 313k yesterday. All good in the world of the Alpina.