The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage

The 2014 Alpina D3 Touring with *almost* moon mileage



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Tuesday 9th June 2020
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bolidemichael said:
What's a new 'short' engine?
Basically just a bottom end with pistons et al in it.

Current head will be re used.


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232 months

Tuesday 9th June 2020
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Rang BMW to clarify. Typically they are very BMW about it....

Usual meaning:

Short block - Block with pistons - No head - No ancillaries
Long block - Block with pistons - Head - All ancillaries

BMW meaning:

Short engine - Block with pistons - Head - No ancillaries

So its somewhere between a tradition short and long block.


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Tuesday 9th June 2020
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bolidemichael said:
Without knowing about the OP's daily activities, all things being 'normal', this is the ideal time to be without a car used regularly for high mileage. Unless there are regular trips to Barnard Castle that have been missed out on... smile
Sadly I've still been doing nearly 500 miles a week in all this! (Farms all round the UK)

Rangie has taken a hammering again!


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Wednesday 24th June 2020
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Its getting a NEW engine.

It should be back with me for July!


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Wednesday 24th June 2020
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sdh2903 said:
Did they say what was wrong with it?
No issue found.

Engine parts were all within tolerance which considering the mileage is amazing!

Which left them, I assume, with the option of throwing it back together and risk it still knocking and starting this all over again, or just putting a new unit in it and being done with it..

Edited by Waitey on Wednesday 24th June 11:53


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232 months

Thursday 25th June 2020
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Thanks all.

Hopefully it’ll be back soon, so I can set about fitting Apple CarPlay to it!


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Saturday 27th June 2020
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Really looking forward to getting it back and treating it to a rear suspension refresh.

All the rear suspension components are what were on it when it was new.... so they’ve done 220k.

It had new dampers and bushing on the front 105k ago so they are pretty “fresh”....


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Saturday 27th June 2020
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ATM said:
The only question I have for the OP is will you keep or extend the warranty?
Sadly BMW won’t touch it...

It should have gotten a AUC BMW warranty when it had 210k on it to be honest. Although if you are a director of Sytner I assume you can swing somethings...


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232 months

Tuesday 7th July 2020
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So two weeks further on and I'm getting a little frustrated.

Contacted BMW customer services to clarify what exactly is being done to the car along with what happens regarding the oil service it was due in 2000 miles (which having a new engine in logic would dictate it doesn't need one....)?

Reply from BMW was, they aren't allowed to tell me what they are replacing or renewing as this repair is 'good will'. They also can't advise regarding the service and I should negotiate that with the repairing dealer?!

So since the repairing dealer last emailed, I've sent two emails to them and two to BMW CS. Marshals have answered neither and BMW have been none committal about everything involved.

Up to this point I've been giving everyone the benefit of the doubt due to these crazy times, but we are fast approaching BMW having my car for 100 days and I'm starting to get the feeling I'm getting fobbed off.

I called the dealers manager direct today, no answer, called the main line and got the receptionist, who duly put me through to service, who bounced me straight back to reception, who then said someone will email me...

Hopefully this email comes with some good news in it!


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Monday 13th July 2020
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This just gets better, a least I know now why they've been avoiding me.

I sent this email on the 10th of June. 14 days before the new engine was approved.


Just for info I’d been updating an Alpina dealer about the car.

They said for me to tell you to take note of the fact the D3 doesn’t run a 330d short engine. It uses a 335d short engine. (See attached parts catalogue too)
Part Number Model Engine Number
11002333090 330d N57D30A
11002461208 335d N57D30B APLINA D3

other engine parts from 335dx N57D30B i i
except for oil pan / oil level indicator from i i
BMW base models 330dX / 330d / 430d

Just thought you guys should know if it does go down to getting a new engine.

Any way after many emails to the dealer, BMW UK and a few phone calls over 3 weeks, I finally got a reply about the car....

Good afternoon Mr Waite
I am terribly sorry for the delay in responding I have just seen this email now and wanted to respond personally.

We are still awaiting an oil kit for yours which is 1 of the Alpina upgrade to cool the pistons.

In that time also we have returned the 1st engine and had a second delivered as the first was delivered as a 330 engine however when the car is upgraded to an Alpina it has the 335 engine put in. We now have that 335 engine here.

We unfortunately do not have a set delivery date for the oil kit but we are aiming to get it back to you asap. I can only apologise for the length of time this is taking and assure you it will be our highest priority when parts are here to fit.

In the meantime I will keep a closer eye out for emails from yourself so I am able to respond in a more timely manner.

Kind regards

I can see now why they weren't keen to speak to me. Oh well should be with me soon. The oil pump and piston coolers from Alpina can take a while though.


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Saturday 25th July 2020
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Another two weeks have flown by.

No news.

Well other than my 320d loan car has a “critical driveline error” and Enterprise don’t really seem too fussed on getting me into another car.

So I’m back to using the Rangie again.


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Sunday 26th July 2020
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I can understand all points of view brought up in this thread, I've had feelings that align with all of them at some point in the process.

Through this process I've dealt with 4 main partners.

BMW Emergency Services - First contact, were brilliant, got someone out to the car in 2 hours, arranged the collection of it to the dealer. Then 2.5 months later sorted a loan car for me within 60 mins. Can't fault this at all.

BMW Customers Services - On the whole useless, don't tell you anything directly, just refer me to the other two parties in this with either 'they will call/email you on xxxx' replies.

BMW Marshall Shorpe - At the start very good, prompt action during lockdown, weekly updates, very apologetic when they had to tell me I had to wait for the 'master techs' to be back after lockdown thus entailing a three week wait. Since that point it's all gone down hill, ignoring of calls and emails. No real updates on the car (brought about somewhat I assume by ordering the wrong engine, even after I told them 'Make sure you don't order the wrong engine'). They even seemed to ignore BMW customer services for a week or so too. Then after getting their cock up out of their systems they were back to being good, explaining the hold up now was due to some Alpina parts only they waiting on. (Understandable given that some have a 6 week lead time). In all of this though they have ignored further questions regarding the work being done and what happens ref documentation etc.

Enterprise Rent a Car- BMW Emergency services use this group to get you into another BMW product quickly. I put a spanner in the works by asking for an estate only, as I need one for my work, this took Enterprise 3 days to source but that wasn't the end of the world. The 320d I got arrived with the tirepressure light on, assuming it was an under inflation, I correctly set all the pressures but after 2 days the light was back on again. Called Enterprise, was told they wouldn't be able to get me another Estate so I'll have to take this one to be sorted. Two trips over three days to ATS followed fixing that issue. Then the trusty 320d started using coolant. First seemed like a routine top up, but the light was back on 4 days later. The rate of coolant usage is steady, most likely the EGR cooler, still its not ideal. I contacted Enterprise on the 10th telling them about this, they said they'd look for another car for me. After hearing nothing, I called again on the 15th to tell them I was working up in Aberdeenshire the following week and didn't want to take the car. I said I'd take a BMW saloon if it made it easier.. (The HAVE to offer me a BMW product) They called back on the 20th to say they'd found a 5 series, but it'd take a couple of days to get to me. Since then I've had no more contact. The 320d is now showing a 'driveline error' due to the EGR issue and is in permanent limp mode. So I've parked it up.

I do understand there are things playing against me here:

1 - The Alpina is on 220k so there's a reticence from BMW AUC warranty around fixing it. Before a new engine was sanctioned they got a specialist engine company (Not BMW techs, which seemed odd) in to tear down the old engine to find some sort of get out clause.
2 - The Alpina isn't a run of the mill BMW, hence all of the confusion regarding what engine is fitted.
3 - It happened at the start of lockdown, but since I had 4 days warranty left, I couldn't really leave it...
4 - Lockdown has given BMW a mega headache regarding the backlog of work they have.
5 - I was working during lockdown, still doing decent mileage.
6 - I had access to another car I owned
7 - The value of this claim will be larger now than the value of the car when it was last sold by BMW in 2019.
8 - At no point have I 'kicked off'. I've called the appropriate people at the correct time and just asked questions, I've not made demands.
9 - I had no choice of dealer as to where it was fixed, due to lockdown. Its not at an Alpina specialist and its over an hour from my home.

So where to go now. At the start of this thread, the Alpina was bought so I didn't pile more miles on to the Range Rover, since then I've done a further 5000 miles in the Range Rover due to the car being gone. I was only using the Rangie because it was lockdown, I thought everyone would be having a crap time and I didn't NEED to take up a loan car (assuming the it would be fixed in good time). 2.5 month passed and my mileage started to climb again, so I took the loan car, which I have done 3500 miles in. Its now dead and I'll be back to doing over 700 miles a week in the Rangie next week. All the while paying for tax and insurance on the Alpina.

In full perspective, I've had crap service even when taking into account the things going against me. At the same time I've tried to be courteous and sympathetic to the situation.

To be honest, I'd have been happy with an email from BMW stating 'We are making a right hash of this, thanks for being understanding' but that hasn't happened either.

So I'll patiently keep waiting, who knows, someone from BMW/Alpina/Marshalls/Enterprise might see this and be mortally embarrassed, but I doubt it.


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232 months

Sunday 26th July 2020
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Further to this, I just contacted the central contact for Marshall group, spoke to a nice chap called Tim. He's on with checking the full group for something diesel, decent size and estate they can give me as a loan car.

Said someone should call me this aft, or early tomorrow.

He was very understanding so thats a positive!


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232 months

Monday 27th July 2020
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Marshall’s couldn’t help me sadly.

Enterprise have got a 5 series coming for me on Wednesday.


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Tuesday 28th July 2020
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ATM said:
Did they call you back at least?
No I called them again.


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Tuesday 28th July 2020
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whytheory said:
Just out of interest what's the age and mileage of the 320d? Hope the 5 is better!
18 plate on 33k


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232 months

Tuesday 28th July 2020
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Slippydiff said:
Enterprise have a contract with BMW UK (possibly worldwide ?) to supply loan cars in the event of breakdown that can't be fixed at the roadside and the vehicle requires recovering to a dealer for repair. This definitely applies to vehicles under the BMW extended warranty, and I suspect to vehicles under the manufacturer's warranty too.

It's a long time since I read the posts regarding the failure of the OP's engine, so I'm unsure what the situation is with regards to the warranty on the car (though it sounds like it's out of warranty, but the repair is being done as gesture of goodwill) but I'd be asking to speak to the area manager of Enterprise about the issues with the loan car, rather than a lacky there.

As for dealers "usually having cars lying around", maybe in days gone by, not so much now.
Available vehicles will either be a service loan car, a salesman's/manager's car (that doubles up as a demo) or they'll have been prepared and put up for sale.

Good luck OP, if you're struggling, is it worth a phonecall to Sytner Nottingham to see if they can help/move things along ?
The car was in warranty by 4 days, but that was extended by BMW due to Covid to the end of June.

Sytner Nottingham haven’t being much help but Sytner Leicester have being awesome in helping.


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232 months

Wednesday 29th July 2020
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A new loan car is here!!


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232 months

Wednesday 29th July 2020
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gizlaroc said:
Did you have a 335d Touring advertised from there?

I'm sure I recognise that drive from an ad. Haha
I’ve had all sorts advertised from there! No 335d Touring though!

If it was an E91 then it was my other Alpina D3


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232 months

Monday 17th August 2020
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LukeyP_ said:
Any update on this one OP?
132 days later.

Still no car.

Still waiting on parts which don't seem to exist.

Good job I don't mind this 520d they've given me.