Knackered old Porsche with loads of natural light - Boxster!

Knackered old Porsche with loads of natural light - Boxster!



2,794 posts

228 months

Friday 22nd November 2024
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trails said:
poppopbangbang said:
No money exchanged hands! laugh

Blip already resolved, it's just calibration (the heads already got titanium gubbins) - essentially the transient calibration is always pretty slow to start with as you build data around keeping the cat happy in these scenarios. Blip can be pretty nasty for them if the cats already very hot as you essentially throw a low of fuel across it to get the engine to accel. This was running closed loop fueling through the blip with the DBW slowed accordingly to allow the closed loop fueling PIDs to keep up, a few revisions back it went to (mostly) open loop blip so way more aggressive.

If you didn't need to keep the cat happy then the drive by wire moves quicker than you can move your foot with all the amps behind it so at that point it's just rotating assembly mass that's the limit really.
I must have forgotten about the head build, I'm sure nobody on this thread doubted your ability to sort it quickly and easily smile
Absolutely. Congratulations on the write-up - you should be proud, it's clearly a great build.


Original Poster:

2,165 posts

150 months

Tuesday 24th December 2024
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Well it's a year today since I pulled the 2.5L out of the Boxster, so I thought a quick update was in order before heading out for Xmas eve beers.

It's done 3200 miles since I built it and has mostly behaved itself. There is still the odd random coolant leak but such is life when it's all silicone hoses and hose clips. Changing them all for constant tension clamps is not going to happen until the engine comes out in a couple of years time but aside from that not a lot to report.

We made the 400bhp "initial' target I had pretty easilly but a smaller / more modern turbo would move the boost threshold down and still give potential for 500bhp, which is the next development target.

With the engine now a year old and a few thousand miles on it it's all weathered in quite nicely and looks fairly OEM in the bay now the shine has disapaeared from everything. There's a few witness marks on things from the various engine cover mods etc. and a few fasteners that I'd like to change to coated ones as they've gone a bit crusty but really I'm nit picking there.

It's now on Bilsteins as discussed earlier in this thread but thanks to getting distracted with the Cayenne and the Moroc Rally Raid I've done very little on the Booster since the start of last month.

I had a bit of time earlier so I finally fitted the billet aux water pump bracket and pulled off the old fuel lines and rail to replace it with the CTS one. The new rails is on -8 ORB fittings either end so I needed to get these round to 90 degree -6 to suit the required fuel line sizes.

First go clearly wasn't going to do the trick as we're way too close to the chassis at this, whilst it clears and won't touch in motion a mount failure or similar would result in it breaking the -6 90 off with all the bad stuff that would follow that so for the sake of FMEA alone I needed a nicer option.

Luckily Radium make some lovely specialist fuel system bits including a low profile -8 ORB to 90 degree exit -6:

Much better:

Although Radium Shop have rather stitched me up by shipping a -6 ORB when two -8 were ordered:

So not a lot more I can do with that until the new year. Still at least the rail looks good fitted:

Although I need to reroute the injector wiring loom to make it all package prettily.

The FPR packages nicely under the inlet manifold mounted off the sensor connector bracket that fits to the oil filter housing.

I'll make a nicer bracket for this rather than the one that came with the reg but for now this will do for making lines off. The lines will all be -6 from the original points on the chassis to the rail so a much more reliable and long term solution than what was on there originally. I've converted a standard fuel filter to -6 with a bolt on adaptor and the return side with a push fit to -6. Amazing what is off the shelf these days biggrin

The job list is pretty small once this is done, just a bolt check, service and once over and a quick pipe reroute to change how the oil cooler is fed coolant. It'll be back on the road in the new year ready to go to Centre Gravity for setup and then I'm looking forward to a summer of blatting about with the roof down making WRC noises.... not long until the sun is back out right? laugh

Have a great Xmas all and here's to 2025.