Oil leak please look I need advice

Oil leak please look I need advice



Original Poster:

265 posts

180 months

Friday 6th September
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Hi I've been to look at a 2007 911 c4s today but it had a oil leak underneath il post a pic below
It wasn't dripping but was wet is this pretty standard on a 16 year old car or do I walk away
Anyone know where it's coming from?
Thanks in advance I will reply I'm here waiting for answers


Original Poster:

265 posts

180 months

Friday 6th September
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Any ideas anyone?


254 posts

242 months

Friday 6th September
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Looks like RMS leak to me


Original Poster:

265 posts

180 months

Sunday 8th September
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Thanks what's a rms leak ? Is it expensive? Thanks for the reply


20 posts

10 months

Sunday 8th September
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paulwrx said:
Thanks what's a rms leak ? Is it expensive? Thanks for the reply
You've got a fun amount of reading ahead of you! The main engine issues on the 997.1 gen of carrera are IMS (intermediate shaft bearing), RMS (rear main seal), and bore scoring.

You'll want to read up on the above and go into any 997.1 purchase eyes open.

The easiest way to avoid the above:

997.2 cars used a new direct injection engine that eliminated most of the above issues (but I'm no expert on the changes made)

997.1/997.2 GT or Turbo cars use the Mezgher engine and don't suffer from the above.


11,507 posts

264 months

Sunday 8th September
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paulwrx said:
Anyone know where it's coming from?
Nobody is going to be able to answer that question on here, if they do, all they are doing is guessing/gambling with your wallet.

If you are ok with buying a car which you already know has problems my advice would be to get it checked over by someone who isn't guessing (a Porsche indy not known to the seller) and get an impartial appraisal.

When armed with facts then decide if the car is worth it to you or not.