Porsche 996 Turbo/GT2 ENGINE WEIGHT

Porsche 996 Turbo/GT2 ENGINE WEIGHT



Original Poster:

619 posts

232 months

Wednesday 19th October 2005
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I've been looking for this but can't seem to find it.

Can someone help me and tell me what it the weight of the 3.6L water-cooled Porsche 996 Turbo/GT2 ENGINE please ?

It's the weight of the ENGINE, not the car that I want.

Thanks a million.


5,097 posts

239 months

Wednesday 19th October 2005
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The regular 996 3.6 litre engine weighs 190kg.

By comparison the air cooled 3.6 weighs 232kg and the turbo variant of that engine weighs 268kg.

Therefore I would estimate that a 996 TT motor would weigh in at about 225kg.



Can't verify the accuracy of the data.


Original Poster:

619 posts

232 months

Thursday 20th October 2005
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thanks for the links.

So the new generation 996 M96 water-cooled engines would be a lot lighter than the older 993 M64 air-cooled engines.

Reasonable considering the advances in technology.

So this car:
could be potentially even lighter if they used a water-cooled 996 engine??
(it currently has a 3.6L TT aircooled engine - I presume it must be from a 993 block)

Do you agree?


2 posts

28 months

Tuesday 10th September
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The estimate for the turbo won't be correct because the methodology appears to assume it is a turbocharged version of the standard engine. It's not, it's a completely different engine with more in common with its air-cooled predecessors.


9,590 posts

207 months

Tuesday 10th September
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Its basically the same engine as 964/993 3.6 turbo engine but watercooled so same weight. About 260kgs. Over engineered, heavy and sturdy.