RE: Farboud



34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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6,546 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Well I like it, good luck to the bloke I hope he sells a shit load and takes over the world.

D.I wonder if he does factory tours, we must be all of 5 miles down the road.


2,591 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Nice styling, but whats with the dash and gauges?!? uke


34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Dash and guages are being reworked currently to lower them. It's a mixture of a digital display and analogue dials.


2,935 posts

266 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Looks almost identical to the stillborn M250 from Lotus to be honest. I was round Lotus at the time the show car was being fettled for its last appearance and it is very close in the looks department.

But then, that's what you get for employing former Lotus engineers and designers, I guess...

Fair play to him developing the car this far, but its a far cry from the 911 GT1 concept that he had orders being thrown at him for when it was launched at the Autosport show.


854 posts

266 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Looks good, still think it's going to have a very tough time against the Noble. £48K vs £70K




4 posts

253 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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Hear hear. I hope Arash makes this work. It is refreshingly different.


4,656 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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davidd said:
Well I like it, good luck to the bloke I hope he sells a shit load and takes over the world.

Well said that man. Totally agree. All this looks like this looks like that c**p... Looks a darn sight better than a certain motor from Blackpool for about the 70K mark.

And as for the complaints about the name. What was that other one called again Typhoid, Typhus?


6,546 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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t1grm said:

And as for the complaints about the name. What was that other one called again Typhoid, Typhus?



539 posts

294 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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t1grm said:

Well said that man. Totally agree. All this looks like this looks like that c**p... Looks a darn sight better than a certain motor from Blackpool for about the 70K mark.

And as for the complaints about the name. What was that other one called again Typhoid, Typhus?

It would be a boring world if we all liked identical things. (obvious defensive comment from someone who has ordered a Typhon)

Good luck to Farboud. Nice to see someone who has the courage to follow their vision.

It will be good to see them both on the road and performing at trackdays. Perhaps Arash himself will stop driving the rather rapid yellow Porsche at trackdays in favour of one of his new models?


2,506 posts

276 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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I like it. It looks great, the handling should be sorted and the interior looks OK (apart from the skid mark). The challenge will be the engine. From what I've read, the competition will come from s/h 360 Modena, 911 Turbo et al. Both of these have pretty special engines contributing a great deal to their characters.

Oh, and his business plan has changed? You don't say. Same as every other business then.

johnny senna

4,073 posts

282 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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I like it too.
If it's going to look like other cars (and it does a bit......but most new cars do.....Enzo being an obvious exception) then it may as well remind us of nice machines.......Mac F1, Ascari, 360, Lotus 250-thingy.....they're all in there.
Can't wait to read a road test.


2,718 posts

285 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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stevenrt said:
I'm convinced the only reason the M12 took off the way it did was the enthusiastic reviews Jeremy Clarkson gave it. It may well be a great car, but without Clarkson's reviews it wouldn't have succeeded.

Oh do me a favour! Contrary to what those w*nkers at the BBC would have everybody believe, Jeremy Clarkson is not the be all and end all.

Various people involved with the motor industry reckon he's a complete tosser. And plenty of other people are perfectly capable of deciding whether or not to buy a car for themselves without needing his approval.

The M12 sells because it's a damn good car that provides terrific performance for the price.

It the Farboud succeeds (and I hope it does) it'll be because it has the right combination of looks, performance and price backed up by a sound company, not because of what Clarkson says about it.


3,924 posts

260 months

Friday 23rd January 2004
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i really like it.

best of luck.


1,287 posts

284 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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yes please , now what was that "siameesed twin bike blocks" v8 called , might be a good "bespoke motor" just a thought

fix it

33 posts

255 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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Farmer said:
yes please , now what was that "siameesed twin bike blocks" v8 called , might be a good "bespoke motor" just a thought

you mean like the v8 top fuel bike engine built by Rodger using two yamaha fj 12 top ends on billet cases and later sold by Ian King to someone!!!!not a bad way to go with so meany bike engines now used in small race car its worth a look at thanks for that i will have a proper look at it it's still under the bench.why not we were getting 375 bhp from old z1000 with just a turbo,and thats only 4 pots


129 posts

265 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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wedgepilot said:
Anyone else spot the brown stains on the driver's seat? It must be an exciting drive!

I thought that was just me who could see that!!


6,333 posts

260 months

Saturday 24th January 2004
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stevenrt said:
It may well be a great car, but without Clarkson's reviews it wouldn't have succeeded. For some reason this man seems to have a Svengali like grip over you people in the U.K., I'm sure if he dropped a turd and stuck four little wheels on it and declared it "The best car I have driven in my life" sales would go through the roof (in the U.K.).

Bit harsh - JC waxed lyrical about the Renault GTA and they sold about 4!


1,287 posts

284 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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fix it said:

Farmer said:
yes please , now what was that "siameesed twin bike blocks" v8 called , might be a good "bespoke motor" just a thought

you mean like the v8 top fuel bike engine built by Rodger using two yamaha fj 12 top ends on billet cases and later sold by Ian King to someone!!!!not a bad way to go with so meany bike engines now used in small race car its worth a look at thanks for that i will have a proper look at it it's still under the bench.why not we were getting 375 bhp from old z1000 with just a turbo,and thats only 4 pots

somebody showed one at a Kit car show recently , now going into production I think

just found it at but only produces 302 hp as a 2 litre and not enough tourque , as a 2.6 it could be interesting .

>> Edited by Farmer on Sunday 25th January 01:22


90,024 posts

294 months

Sunday 25th January 2004
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t1grm said:

And as for the complaints about the name. What was that other one called again Typhoid, Typhus?

Saggyarse isn't it?

I like the Farboud and considering it's been started by someone who just wanted a bespoke Supercar of his own but has now found himself a car manufacturer he's doing a fine job, no one makes it without making sacrifices.

Good on you Arash, hope it all goes well.

I am available for any test driving duties should you want me