NEW Windows 64 bit AJP Diagnostic Software

NEW Windows 64 bit AJP Diagnostic Software



264 posts

81 months

Monday 9th September
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I ended up trying the following: DSD Tech SH-B35

Amazon Link

But no joy either. I set it up to be a data stream to COM5 on my PC and MBE Tools saw it as an active port but no connection. Using AJP Diagnostics it didn't recognise the port and scanned past. I used the DSD Bluetooth set up tool to ensure all was working and that the baud rate was correct and a simple send/receive worked. I also used Putty to check the COM port received data.

Must be something simple and just trying to understand what the difference is between plugging in a serial to PL2303 chipset USB converter and these serial RS232 to Bluetooth adapters.

I just don't know enough about these communications protocols and interested to hear how you get on.


24,337 posts

290 months

Tuesday 10th September
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Do the RS232 to Bluetooth adaptors generate/detect valid RS232 signal voltages? It may be that the MBE is less tolerant of lower voltage signals.

Texas Instruments RS-232 FAQ said:
Valid RS-232 signals are either in the range of +3V to +15V or the range -3V to -15V with respect to the common ground (Figure 1-1). To be more specific, the driver output is Logic 0 when the voltage is between +5V and +15V and is Logic 1 when the voltage is between -5V to -15V.


875 posts

190 months

Tuesday 10th September
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Dalamar said:
When using the 3-pin connector, is the connection made to the ECU in Byte mode or Broadcast? Just wondering if I need to faff around with resistors and plug directly into the ECU mainboard or just use my current adapter cable.
@dalamar In the Sticky Pages at the top is a complete guide to building your own 3 pin cable connector - you don't need any of the resistors etc. just GND, RX and TX



875 posts

190 months

Tuesday 10th September
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Dalamar said:
Using AJP Diagnostics it didn't recognise the port and scanned past.
From Aide himself who wrote RS-AJP smile

There is no Bluetooth support in the app.

Wired serial connectivity via RS-232.

That's why I called it RS-AJP :smile: