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One topic, many questions...



Original Poster:

163 posts

11 months

Friday 29th November 2024
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Basil Brush said:
You can stop them spinning by wedging a flat screw driver blade between the side of the bolt head and the rail. The easier way is cut them off as you should replace them anyway.
I started with the screwdriver but I was eating the bolt head. That's when I decided to buy the fine wrench. It's useful for so many things so it's worth buying.
And the situation gets worse when you have to screw them so it's useful with new bolts too

Edited by Andrea7 on Friday 29th November 18:59


68,869 posts

226 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Juddder said:
Andrea7 said:
-Buy a 13" special spanner like this that could fit inside seats rail to lock bolts:
Thanks Andrea - that skinny spanner looks perfect as I was wondering how to stop the bolts from spinning in the seat rails thumbup

Amazon UK have similar from tsnetworks (the wonders of Google image search) so will order one of those smile

Edited by Juddder on Friday 29th November 16:05
I wedged a large screwdriver between bolt head and the runners

The other thing I found was that the thickness of the carpets/soundproofing, meant I couldn't fit the length of bolts I wanted to use, and didn't want to cut them as I'd used stainless. So I used longer bolts, bolted the seat down to compress the carpets etc, then replaced each one, one at a time, with a shorter bolt, so I didn't have a long length sticking down under the car.

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 3rd December 07:52


883 posts

193 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Byker28i said:
So I used longer bolts, bolted the seat down to compress the carpets etc, then replaced each one, one at a time, with a shorter bolt, so I didn't have a long length sticking down under the car.
Nice tip - thanks! thumbup