Ignition ECU - does anyone have a spare?

Ignition ECU - does anyone have a spare?



Original Poster:

2,013 posts

257 months

Monday 26th August
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I thought I had gathered together all the black boxes needed before leaving the UK with my basket case Cerb in 2005, but in finally putting the pieces together it looks like I didn't get the ignition control ECU - which would look something like this

Any ideas where I might source one from, or failing that get one made up somehow to perform the same function?


10,624 posts

231 months

Monday 26th August
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The usual group of TVR breakers.

The TVR specialists undertaking ecu swaps.

I did have the begining of a conversation with one of Mat Smith's guys about how all the convenience ECUs in the T cars could be replaced with one Raspberry Pi - this may extend to the Cerb.


875 posts

190 months

Wednesday 28th August
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Funnily enough I noticed one for sale the other day as I have an eBay saved search for these


I managed to grab a spare for myself when my car blew its control boxes so if you get really stuck I can lend you that one - my plan is to rebuild a replacement like I have started to do with the other control boxes thumbup

Mr Cerbera

5,067 posts

236 months

Saturday 7th September
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Hi Don wavey

Wow, that was a Task, hoiking a Cerb out to KiwiLand in pieces.
(Reminds me of Radar O'Reilly doing the same with a Jeep in MASH)

Cerb ECU genius Joolz would be my recommendation for acquiring another ECU thumbup