Alloys aftermarket or Something else?

Alloys aftermarket or Something else?


The Nige

172 posts

195 months

Sunday 8th September
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I picked up a nail but hadn’t realised how much of a problem it was going to be sourcing the rear tyre 245/45 16", no matching tyre in stock, the tyre was removed and sent away for repair. Had to use an old wheel and tyre I had at home.


Original Poster:

18 posts

4 months

Sunday 8th September
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The Nige said:
I picked up a nail but hadn’t realised how much of a problem it was going to be sourcing the rear tyre 245/45 16", no matching tyre in stock, the tyre was removed and sent away for repair. Had to use an old wheel and tyre I had at home.

What a pain Nige, hope they sort it soon for you


6,514 posts

274 months

Sunday 8th September
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I'm not sure repairs that close to the wall are even legal, let alone advisable. frown When you say sent away for a repair, is it a method whereby this is acceptable?


3,123 posts

101 months

Sunday 8th September
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Yes, perfectly safe and perfectly legal if it is a 'vulanised' repair, not just a plug, a patch or a 'combination'. It is 'sent away' because it's a specialised process requiring an autoclave, so it can't be done at your local tyre depot.