Tvr Cerbera spider wheels wanted (what’s the best sizes)

Tvr Cerbera spider wheels wanted (what’s the best sizes)



Original Poster:

68 posts

196 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2024
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I’m after a set of spider alloys for my Cerbera.

Not sure what the best sizes to go for are?

Any help would be much appreciated or if you have a set for sale even better.


Mr Cerbera

5,078 posts

239 months

Monday 7th October 2024
quotequote all
Hi Paul,

I have run 18" on every surface from the Supermarket run to Spa/Francorchampos and the only problem I ever had was hitting a pothole on, what HM Government laughingly call, their Highways and Byways.

People talk about running 17" for domestic use but I've never found it necessary.
(Currently done 102K)

People also talk about using Bola B7s - supposed to be lighter and stronger.

Best o' thumbup




Here 's a previous discussion thumbup

Edited by Mr Cerbera on Monday 7th October 14:31