Original Cerbera sketches.

Original Cerbera sketches.



Original Poster:

484 posts

222 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Hi all

Was just fumbling through some old CD's and found the original Cerbera sketches - 3 of them.

Peter Wheeler said they looked "like a bloody spaceship" and the went in the bin (Friday afternoon),
Monday morning, he said " where's your space ship?",.....? What?
"Those bloody sketches!" Oh those.
I dug them out of the bin, and the rest is history.
BUt cannot post them here, anyone know how??



1,348 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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What format are the pictures in jpeg, pdf, etc



7,155 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Scanned them? Or taken photographs of?

If so you can put them on PH here:

I would be interested to see them


27,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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UncleDave said:
I would be interested to see them


1,092 posts

248 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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get them up if you can


7,155 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Just realised you said CDs

Try the link above to upload 'em!

Duke Thrust

1,680 posts

247 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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dinkel said:
UncleDave said:
I would be interested to see them


27,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Ted, page one soon?


2,389 posts

225 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Lets watch some bannanas while we wait,


7,155 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Wait for it... (literally)

I'm an impatient b***ard


7,741 posts

239 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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That really is bananas!


8,188 posts

251 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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By bizarre coincidence CrazyNick lives a couple of blocks from me now. The sketches in question are ace.

Keep it coming Nick...!


8,651 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st June 2006
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Nick, out of interest... do you still work for TVR or have you moved on from there? (if so, where to?)


6,531 posts

287 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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BossCerbera said:
By bizarre coincidence CrazyNick lives a couple of blocks from me now. The sketches in question are ace.

Keep it coming Nick...!

Can't be too far from Me now either as I'm back in MK?

Surprised I never see Cerbs around here!



6,000 posts

255 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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headcase said:

Is it safe to ask what that one was doing ?


2,389 posts

225 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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I dont see any cerbs where i live, the last one i seen was about a month ago just joining the m55 when i was coming back from Blackpool. It was one of those faster blue ones, it gave a little whisp of black smoke from the rear then it was gone! (a worm hole i think)


Original Poster:

484 posts

222 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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Hi All

Will try to upload ASAP with the help of Boss Cerbera, - (cheers for the offer), bit busy today
To answer your Q about where I am,back in UK from Japan last 6-months having worked everywhere sonce leaving in 97 - Lotus / Nissan/ Daihatsu/ etc

Think I just remembered where there are more pics (been buried since I left).......to be continued



2,389 posts

225 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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7,155 posts

239 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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2,376 posts

244 months

Thursday 22nd June 2006
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crazynick said:
Hi All

Will try to upload ASAP with the help of Boss Cerbera, - (cheers for the offer), bit busy today
To answer your Q about where I am,back in UK from Japan last 6-months having worked everywhere sonce leaving in 97 - Lotus / Nissan/ Daihatsu/ etc

Think I just remembered where there are more pics (been buried since I left).......to be continued


you are enjoying all this teasing aren't you