Most incongruous supercar photo thread

Most incongruous supercar photo thread



6,512 posts

223 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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maddernj said:
thegreenhell said:
Isn't that Don Law's old premises?
JCP Mechanics
Definitely Don Law's old place though.


43 posts

85 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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Ok not quite a supercar but you don't see one of these used as a Homebase trolley everyday


43 posts

85 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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Again, without inciting vigorous debate (probably not a supercar), this was my daily for 18 months in all weathers. There residing in a Premier Inn
car park on the outskirts of Oxford.


9,321 posts

233 months

Saturday 25th March 2023
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Perhaps not too incongruous at first glance but this was taken on a patch of wasteground in an industrial part of Dubai, the F40 had arrived a few days previously, imported by its owner alongside a yellow Daytona.
The car hadn't even be registered at this point and was still showing its UK plate.