GMA T.50 and T.33 - will reviewers get to drive it?

GMA T.50 and T.33 - will reviewers get to drive it?


TyrannosauRoss Lex

Original Poster:

35,447 posts

217 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
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When these cars finally get delivered to customers (2023 for T.50 I believe) do we think reviewers will get their hands on one to actually be able to test? In terms of hypercars these are the only that really interest me - amazing V12, manual gearbox, built foremost as a road car and incredibly light and small. Styling obviously subjective, but I do believe that these have the potential to be "up there" with the McLaren F1 in terms of the build and how it is to drive, although clearly they won't be breaking any top speed records.


3,610 posts

40 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
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Good reviewers with the right connections will be able to get their hands on one I’m sure.

Mr Tidy

23,653 posts

132 months

Monday 2nd January 2023
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I really hope so.

I can see people like Jay Leno getting one and maybe Harry Catchpole getting to drive one.

I just love the idea of a high-revving N/A V12 with a manual gearbox - I just need a Euromillions win!

As I only live down the road from GMA I hope I'll see one on the road.


7,086 posts

182 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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Really would like a 33 - one of the very few new cars I’d love to own

TyrannosauRoss Lex

Original Poster:

35,447 posts

217 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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MDL111 said:
Really would like a 33 - one of the very few new cars I’d love to own
You and me both!


6,030 posts

151 months

Wednesday 4th January 2023
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IMO Gordon will want at least one 'official' road test published, with a definitive set of independent performance figures for posterity, as with the F1. So I'd expect at least one reviewer to get to drive the T.50.

I hope they'd be a bit more generous than that in this multi-channel world, and let a few more respected journalists have a go. I also hope they won't try to stop owners lending their cars out, so we'd see a few more customer cars appearing in print and film in the years to come.

So at least one, and hopefully quite a few. Personally I'm hoping to see a good long evo feature and a Henry Catchpole film, at least.

And yeah, checked the piggy bank a few times but still sadly short of the asking price for a T.33, hugely desirable to me.

Davey S2

13,103 posts

259 months

Wednesday 4th January 2023
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He doesn't need to as they are all sold so not needed as a marketing exercise but I'm sure Harry Metcalf and Chris Harris will get the opportunity to drive one.

Have to say I prefer the looks of the T33 over the T50.

TyrannosauRoss Lex

Original Poster:

35,447 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th January 2023
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Davey S2 said:
He doesn't need to as they are all sold so not needed as a marketing exercise but I'm sure Harry Metcalf and Chris Harris will get the opportunity to drive one.

Have to say I prefer the looks of the T33 over the T50.
Yes, I also prefer the T33 styling. I know he doesn't need to get reviewers to review them, but I was just curious to know whether reviewers WOULD get to review them smile


10,717 posts

199 months

Thursday 5th January 2023
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there will be lots of reviews, don't worry about that.

he wants to sell more cars in the future and has done an absolute ton of press with the t.50

it's not like the valk which doesn't work so they refuse to let any press drive it - customers are unable to drive it still as they delivered broken cars


6,030 posts

151 months

Thursday 5th January 2023
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WCZ said:
there will be lots of reviews, don't worry about that.

he wants to sell more cars in the future and has done an absolute ton of press with the t.50
Yeah, that's my feeling.

Absolutely the current cars are sold out, so they need no help shifting them. But why? I think a significant part of it is the legend of the McLaren F1, which in part comes from the fact they delivered an actual working car to a respected car magazine, who put it through their full road test schedule, just as they would a new Ford Fiesta. The 0-60 figure of 3.2 seconds has been lodged in my mind ever since, and doubtless many other PHers are the same.

So while road tests aren't necessary right now, they do help burnish the brand, which in turn makes it easier to pre-sell future projects. And the ability to pull in customer money up front like this is hugely helpful in getting a low-volume car into production and onto the road.


10,717 posts

199 months

Thursday 5th January 2023
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samoht said:
Yeah, that's my feeling.

Absolutely the current cars are sold out, so they need no help shifting them. But why? I think a significant part of it is the legend of the McLaren F1, which in part comes from the fact they delivered an actual working car to a respected car magazine, who put it through their full road test schedule, just as they would a new Ford Fiesta. The 0-60 figure of 3.2 seconds has been lodged in my mind ever since, and doubtless many other PHers are the same.
it's partly because of the F1 and partly because no one else is building a car anywhere near as light + driver focused so it really has a market to itself


1,137 posts

191 months

Thursday 19th January 2023
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A review would be nice

r o n n i e

376 posts

181 months

Friday 20th January 2023
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woppum, do you have a delivery due date?

Even with your car history, this must be v exciting times for you :-)


1,137 posts

191 months

Friday 20th January 2023
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Looking like early April , extremely exciting !


11 posts

279 months

Friday 20th January 2023
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Really excited to hear any updates on the T50smile when are the first customer cars due to be delivered?

Woppum are you planning on doing any collection videos or posts etc, be fantastic to see customers collecting these amazing cars.


1,137 posts

191 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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jabbs said:
Really excited to hear any updates on the T50smile when are the first customer cars due to be delivered?

Woppum are you planning on doing any collection videos or posts etc, be fantastic to see customers collecting these amazing cars.
No sorry. Face for radio. Will try to get some thoughts down and post some pictures 👍🏻


10,042 posts

197 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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woppum said:
No sorry.
phew smile


11 posts

279 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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No problem, be great to hear your thoughts on ownership experience etc, I do follow regular updates on social media smile Has Dario got customer car number 1 or is he having one of the XP cars? I'm hoping he will post a new video soon, episode number 20driving


23,566 posts

180 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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WCZ said:
there will be lots of reviews, don't worry about that.

he wants to sell more cars in the future and has done an absolute ton of press with the t.50

it's not like the valk which doesn't work so they refuse to let any press drive it - customers are unable to drive it still as they delivered broken cars
Press have been driving the Valk on track in the Middle East…I think embargo lifts first week of March


2,153 posts

171 months

Saturday 25th February 2023
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I saw some going around a test track the other day. Sounded so good i tripped over when looking back at it!