RE: Mercedes-Benz World Sunday Service 12/03

RE: Mercedes-Benz World Sunday Service 12/03

Thursday 16th February 2023

Mercedes-Benz World Sunday Service 12/03

Breakfast, cars and driving simulators - what more do you need on a Sunday morning?

Last year's return to Weybridge ended a six-year absence from everyone's favourite World; this time around, you haven't had to wait nearly so long. If you've never been to Mercedes-Benz World before, trust us when we say it's a spectacular family-friendly venue spread over three floors where you can easily lose yourself for hours. They've got road cars and F1 cars on display, racing simulators, a dazzling array of driving experiences and even a cinema to watch the F1 live (during opening hours).

We have space for 400 cars on the railway straight (part of the old Brooklands race circuit) and we will be there from 8:30am to 12pm on Sunday 12th March. Light refreshments will be available on the railway straight, or you can go to the Recharge Café indoors for a more extensive range of barista coffees, with breakfast and lunch also available.

Their elite team of pro drivers will be offering passenger rides on a first come first served basis for £15 from the bus stop across from the railway straight, so make sure you go and put your name down when you arrive to secure a slot. These sold out in 15 minutes last year, so they’re looking to run more cars for us next month.

This is always a popular venue, so sign up here to join us. Please only put your name down if you’re 100% sure you can make it on the day. See you there!



Original Poster:

5,384 posts

155 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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In. Not done a Sunday service since I’m years and love MBW.


17,714 posts

170 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Looking forwards to it.


2,012 posts

265 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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This is a great morning out. Always a bunch of interesting cars to see and MBW lay on decent coffee and breakfast.


493 posts

135 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Very happy to see MBW back on the calendar.
One of only two events this year within striking distance of me.
Signed up !


13 posts

110 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Looking forward too it - first sunday service for me!

Max M4X WW

4,841 posts

187 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Glad its back on the runway. The overflow carpark wasn't as good.


17,714 posts

170 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Max M4X WW said:
Glad its back on the runway. The overflow carpark wasn't as good.
Railway straight is the overflow car park, names so because it’s next to the railway line.


6,037 posts

126 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.


2,142 posts

190 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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MrBarry123 said:
Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.
I've been to a few big meets here, PH, Collecting Cars and others and the long-straight bit was very heavily 'suppressed' every time. Yes, one or two berks are overcome by the need to show off but its been a tiny, tiny percentage.


Original Poster:

5,384 posts

155 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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I only have 44bhp so I’ll be able to unleash full power and on one will even notice!


17,714 posts

170 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
quotequote all
MrBarry123 said:
Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.
The last one was well behaved from memory but a long period where PH didn’t get an invite back I believe.


3,847 posts

199 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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ecsrobin said:
MrBarry123 said:
Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.
The last one was well behaved from memory but a long period where PH didn’t get an invite back I believe.
Everyone was told to behave and obey speed limits and there would be (and was) someone with a speed gun monitoring the exit road.


4,238 posts

212 months

Friday 17th February 2023
quotequote all
ecsrobin said:
MrBarry123 said:
Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.
The last one was well behaved from memory but a long period where PH didn’t get an invite back I believe.
Fingers crossed wink

Master Bean

3,928 posts

125 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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Chiron won't be there but I've heard Ben likes Chocolate Hobnobs.


3 posts

22 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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I am on the reserves list but can I still come along / is there anywhere to park other than the 400car private area? Keen to bring my little girl for her first petrol head experience! Start ‘em young. Thanks.

Max M4X WW

4,841 posts

187 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
quotequote all
ecsrobin said:
Max M4X WW said:
Glad its back on the runway. The overflow carpark wasn't as good.
Railway straight is the overflow car park, names so because it’s next to the railway line.
Oh, oops. Got confused and was skim reading a bit quick obviously!


1,329 posts

124 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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MrBarry123 said:
Isn’t this one almost always overshadowed by numpties because of the long straight that you drive along to arrive/exit?

I think I’ve been to two here in the past and were good nonetheless.
IIRC the one that got PH banned for years involved MB World staff having to use some of their demo cars as chicane's on the long straight to stop the idiots....fingers crossed it doesn't happen again!


5,453 posts

126 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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I think I attended the last one (which ironically was my first PH Sunday Service) and it was ste. One food van selling overpriced greasy scran, loads of people and a bunch of dheads in their BMW 1Ms making tts of themselves and then there was the straight leaving the venue.


Edited by Spleen on Sunday 19th February 14:46

Master Bean

3,928 posts

125 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
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Vtechy said:
I am on the reserves list but can I still come along / is there anywhere to park other than the 400car private area? Keen to bring my little girl for her first petrol head experience! Start ‘em young. Thanks.
No. Otherwise that would defeat the object of a 400 space list and it would be a free for all. People will drop out closer to the date however.


5,453 posts

126 months

Sunday 19th February 2023
quotequote all
Master Bean said:
Vtechy said:
I am on the reserves list but can I still come along / is there anywhere to park other than the 400car private area? Keen to bring my little girl for her first petrol head experience! Start ‘em young. Thanks.
No. Otherwise that would defeat the object of a 400 space list and it would be a free for all. People will drop out closer to the date however.
Not strictly true, there is the car park if you're visiting MBW and are nothing to do with PH. Whether it's policed on the day is another matter.