2014 Merc E400 noisy tappetts?

2014 Merc E400 noisy tappetts?


Matt Sussex

Original Poster:

12 posts

112 months

Tuesday 13th August
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Hi anybody else feel the engine sounds tappety? I have been told it is the high pressure fuel injectors......


9,862 posts

158 months

Tuesday 13th August
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High pressure injectors (especially in a diesel) make a very similar sound to noisy tappets.


4,723 posts

159 months

Tuesday 13th August
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Mine's a petrol engine and the MB specialist told me to use higher quality fuel to cure this. Injector nozzles getting a little clogged up causing the higher tapping noise.

I went back to using Shell V Power and the issue is gone now. I've moved a couple of years ago and started using the local ESSO superunleaded in the last year. The car seems happier with V Power or Tesco Momentum.

Matt Sussex

Original Poster:

12 posts

112 months

Wednesday 14th August
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Thank you for the tip on v power. I am on half a tank of sainsburys regular so will switch to V Power. I used to get MPG with V Power too.,


630 posts

35 months

Sunday 18th August
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2002 C240 and yeah the tappets make a slight noise