Renault trafic 2016 1.6 140BHP - Starting issue after works

Renault trafic 2016 1.6 140BHP - Starting issue after works



Original Poster:

2 posts

2 months

Wednesday 21st August
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Hi, i wonder if anyone can help. My son in law had to take the front off our works Trafic to replace a split hose behind the rad. Whilst doing it he also did an oil change. He put it all back together and the van wouldnt start. He locked and unlocked it and it fired up. I've just gone out to it and again, it will not start. All the lights come on as usual, then it drops down to a few lights but as soon as you turn the key, it just clicks. I've tried the lock/unlock several times and nothing. (i've dipped the clutch etc.)

Are then any sensors or leads he may have innadvertantly diconnected or knocked that would trigger the immobiliser? Any help would be appreciated.



9,824 posts

158 months

Wednesday 21st August
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Sounds like a flat battery if there is just a click from the starter, or perhaps he has disturbed a dodgy connection on the starter/battery/engine earth strap.


Original Poster:

2 posts

2 months

Wednesday 21st August
quotequote all
Thanks, definitely not a flat battery, will check all the connections. Thanks


8,932 posts

99 months

Wednesday 21st August
quotequote all
Define won't start, nothing not a click, turns over, turns over but sounds like no compression .... has he disturbed the starter wiring when removing the front ?


9,824 posts

158 months

Wednesday 21st August
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Teeroe1 said:
Thanks, definitely not a flat battery, will check all the connections. Thanks
If you haven't specifically checked the battery you don't actually know it hasn't been flattened in the process........ Just sayin'.