Hyundai i10 Automatic Transmission Issue

Hyundai i10 Automatic Transmission Issue



Original Poster:

15,888 posts

247 months

Thursday 29th August
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The initial message was deleted from this topic on 30 August 2024 at 20:55


22,773 posts

164 months

Thursday 29th August
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If the cooler pipes have one of the many types of standard fitting (and not a Hyundai specific fitting) then a local hydraulic hose company may be able to make up some for you.
Mrs Scrump had an 08 plate automatic Nissan Note since it was bought as a pre reg. Earlier this year we sold it as too many things were becoming faulty and as she needed a reliable car she has moved onto something newer (although it still a Nissan!).


9,824 posts

158 months

Thursday 29th August
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^^^^ Wot 'e said.

I have spent several years in the hydraulics industry & have advised others before to do exactly this.

They WILL be able to do it but depending on the hose ends it may take a bit of doing & obviously they don't have ramps etc to put the car on.