Vauxhall insignia won't boost properly and smokes after map

Vauxhall insignia won't boost properly and smokes after map



5,837 posts

219 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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Roastyduck said:
Scrump said:
Was the black smoke there from when the latest map was first installed or did it start some time later?
i noticed it about a week after the new map was put on so maybe i wasnt paying attention, i didnt suspect anything was wrong as it felt a lot faster, i only checked boost when i was logging to determine the fuel/boost. weve been chatting trying to diagnose as hes almost certain it shouldnt be the map (he has a 138bhp hes running over 256hp on self tuned) and everyone thats used him has raved at his work which is why im pulling towards is it an issue with the car, more so that he has told me outright he has mapped to 27psi boost and its not even getting close its still giving stock boost.

Edited by Roastyduck on Monday 2nd December 21:10
256 bhp from what ? are were talking apples and oranges here....

and to extract 256 bhp from an engine that does 138 bhp... normal tunes run about 30% increase.... to get an increase of 118 bhp or 85% of the original power.... Ive two words.... Aye Right !


17,632 posts

257 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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ruggedscotty said:
256 bhp from what ? are were talking apples and oranges here....

and to extract 256 bhp from an engine that does 138 bhp... normal tunes run about 30% increase.... to get an increase of 118 bhp or 85% of the original power.... Ive two words.... Aye Right !
With supporting parts, it's hardly difficult.


10,387 posts

162 months

Monday 16th December 2024
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Roastyduck said:
E-bmw said:
Roastyduck said:
E-bmw said:
^^^^ Wot 'e said.

Black smoke is OVER-FUELLING, the last thing it needs is even bigger injectors.

If this idea of yours comes from your "mapper" you REALLY need to take it somewhere who actually knows & understands what they are doing.
Not bigger injectors no, should have specified, he suggested I look at them and make sure they aren't just leaking fuel out at higher rpm rather than spraying.
Once again, I re-iterate what I said.

Black smoke from a diesel is OVER-FUELLING.

Over-fuelling is not the same as incomplete combustion.

Incomplete combustion in a diesel will give white "smoke" that smells of diesel.

It smells of diesel because it hasn't been combusted.

Incorrect spray pattern/leakage etc in a diesel injector is much more likely to cause incomplete combustion than over-fuelling unless too much fuel is being delivered, which goes back to over-fuelling.
A leaking injector can cause over fueling leading to black smoke too...
Hence the reason for these few words.