Oil Pressure



Original Poster:

3,787 posts

281 months

Tuesday 9th April 2002
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I have a 99S Chimaera 4.0. The handbook states that the oil pressure should never drop below 10psi. Mine frequently hovers around this level (not below I don't think). The oil level is fine. Anyone have a similar experience and should I be worried?




12,184 posts

287 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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In general the Rover V8 runs a lower oil pressure than other engines, high capacity and lower pressure. IMO (I am not a mechanic) yours sounds fine. If you want higher pressure try putting a more viscous oil in it, try 5W50 or even 10W50.


11,104 posts

283 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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Just had mine serviced at Fernhurst and they now use Valvoline 5W50 as standard. Apparantly they had some one round to tell them the Mobil 1 recommended was too thin, especially on track days.
FWIW - my oil pressure is only marginally higher when the engine is really hot.


Original Poster:

3,787 posts

281 months

Wednesday 10th April 2002
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Cheers for the info.



749 posts

277 months

Wednesday 24th April 2002
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I have a 99S Chimaera 4.0. The handbook states that the oil pressure should never drop below 10psi. Mine frequently hovers around this level (not below I don't think). The oil level is fine. Anyone have a similar experience and should I be worried?
Mine is similar. The other day in a queue of traffic, the temp rose to 90 C. On tickover the oil pressure was barely registering but recovered if I kept the revs above 1500 (adding to the higher temp). The fact that I was getting normal pressures (20 - 30 psi) at higher revs makes me think that there isn't a problem and that the low reading comes from the combination of low viscosity oil, high temp and low revs.

How accurate are the pressure sensors? Do the warning light(s) use the same pressure sender as the pressure gauge or separate pressure switches?



597 posts

291 months

Tuesday 7th May 2002
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There are seperate senders for the guage and warning light, accuracy? Not very, if you are in doubt then get it checked with a mechanical guage and if this proves the reading of the guage to be wrong then get a new sender.