Does anybody know this car?

Does anybody know this car?



Original Poster:

439 posts

139 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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Hi, after looking around for a while, I have sadly decided that a 4.7 GT is just outside my budget at the moment.
I was looking through PH classifieds and saw the 4.2 GT being advertised by Nick Whale @ £32,990.
Just wondered if anybody had any knowledge/info on this car that they would like to share with me?
I will obviously be asking the trader about service records and the dreaded variators etc.
PM if you prefer.

Thanks. Goddo.


38,868 posts

263 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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No knowledge - maybe ask on sportsmaserati?

The Sytner car looks quite nice too...but you're only 5k away from decent 4.7s....go onnnnnnn. You now it makes sense smile