Granturismo S 2012 Digital Speedo

Granturismo S 2012 Digital Speedo



Original Poster:

396 posts

220 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Guys We own a 2012 4.7 S, last before the sports. We now live in a country where they use Kms not MPH. Is there a way to get the digital speedo reset so it shows KPH not MPH. Not worried about main speedo.
Thanks in advance.


1,506 posts

259 months

Saturday 17th February
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Yes there is, nav screen general settings for time etc has the kph option.


Original Poster:

396 posts

220 months

Wednesday 21st February
quotequote all
Thanks EC2, I'll check that out this weekend and report back.


Original Poster:

396 posts

220 months

Sunday 3rd March
quotequote all
Found it under Configuration / Units. So pleased. Thanks again


1,506 posts

259 months

Sunday 3rd March
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lotuselan7 said:
Found it under Configuration / Units. So pleased. Thanks again
Great. I found it when I took my GranTurismo to Europe so knoew it was somewhere in the settings page.