How many orders?



Original Poster:

21 posts

284 months

Sunday 8th July 2001
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Does anyone know how many deposits have been placed on the Tamora so far? The reason I ask is to get some idea of delivery dates and how many cars they will have practiced on before mine!


6,809 posts

288 months

Monday 9th July 2001
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Not many, I suspect! I'm still waiting for a nod from the factory to get mine specced up. All they say to my dealer is, we'll let you know...


181 posts

294 months

Tuesday 10th July 2001
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Judging by the volume of post on this group, It looks like interest in the Tamora is well below that of the Tuscan at a similar stage. I'm sure that anyone with an order placed can't wait to get their hands on their new toy, and good luck to you. But the Tuscan group was rife with opions, rumours and speculation. Maybe it's to do with rapididy of the Tamoras release after the Tuscan


34,444 posts

313 months

Tuesday 10th July 2001
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I heard a whisper that production was starting this week...


6,809 posts

288 months

Tuesday 10th July 2001
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What was the 'gist' of the rumours on the Tuscan website?