T350 diff question



Original Poster:

22 posts

107 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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I'm trying to find out what the car has got fitted to it. A Nov 2002 T350C.

I've jacked it up and spun the rear wheels. Both going in the same direction so I presume it's LSD - likely Hydratrac.

When bringing it back home on Saturday 80mph in 5th was around 3100/3200 rpm. My maths based on bits of information I have picked up on this forum says it's not a standard 3.43 final drive but a 3.73 or 3.91, most likely to be a 3.73.

The tag on the back of the diff has got JJ stamped on it if that helps.

Anyone know of any other markings that will tell me what's definitely in there or can confirm/refute my logic above?


Original Poster:

22 posts

107 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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A bit more digging about and cleaning and I came up with this:

So it appears it is a 3.73:1 final drive. Can anyone tell me anything else regarding the other markings?

Basil Brush

5,245 posts

273 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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I would think it'll be a cone type BTR which was standard fit on most cars, rather than a hydratrak which would have been a cost upgrade. I'm not sure if you can tell without taking the cover off though.


Original Poster:

22 posts

107 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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I’ve been searching everywhere but can’t find what part number R0297 is. I have found reference to R077 which was a BTR cone diff and all the diff part numbers I can find start R0…

Can anyone positively identify what I’ve got?

Basil Brush

5,245 posts

273 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2024
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I've just checked my Tuscan's diff which is a standard 3.73 cone type and it has the same R0297 code on the tag.


Original Poster:

22 posts

107 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2024
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Basil Brush said:
I've just checked my Tuscan's diff which is a standard 3.73 cone type and it has the same R0297 code on the tag.
Thank you Basil. That's it confirmed then.