TVR Sagaris Windows and tailgate release

TVR Sagaris Windows and tailgate release


Painting Classic Cars

Original Poster:

4 posts

6 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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Hello all.
We have a Sagaris in for bodywork following a rear end shunt.
Everything has gone back together as it came apart. The battery has lost its charge over the repair time.
Its fully charged, car assembled, but the tailgate won't electronically release, and the windows wont go up.
It was neither window going up, but 'magically' the passenger one has decided to start working.
Both will go down - but drivers wont go up. Motors work when manually powered, as does the tailgate actuator..

Do these things actually lock?! Press the remote button and it its just flashes indicators twice, chirps twice - but still the doors open.

Appreciate any help!



4,390 posts

292 months

Friday 2nd August 2024
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The window ECU's are in the drivers door post, one of these will control the boot, I would swap them over. I would also double check the earth bolt (two man job as locking it up in the foot-well will have the bolt backing out as you lock the nut up above the battery). A@


638 posts

271 months

Saturday 3rd August 2024
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1. check fuses
2. check earth mountings (one in the battery compartment, one in the drivers side front wheel area)
3. Check the wiring plug to rear of the vehicle. The plug is located in the footwell on the driver's side under the A-pillar.
4. check door ECUs (as said left and right could be swapped to locate a failure)
5. check the boot lock mechanism.

Painting Classic Cars

Original Poster:

4 posts

6 months

Monday 5th August 2024
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Thanks guys - will get to it tomorrow.

Sagi Badger

610 posts

203 months

Friday 9th August 2024
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Try the micro switch in the door lock keep. It is behind the three PZ1 screws. The symptoms you describe make me think this is it, the windows do not raise with door open and car will not lock if doors are not shut, so if ECU cannot see doors closed you will get as you describe. It is a faff of a set up, go for drivers first.

Painting Classic Cars

Original Poster:

4 posts

6 months

Saturday 10th August 2024
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Sagi Badger - spot on - thank you.
All sorted now.

Sagi Badger

610 posts

203 months

Saturday 10th August 2024
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Glad sorted, guessing you received the email I sent a few days back. These things take a bit of getting used to