Tamora battery


Tamora s6

Original Poster:

48 posts

133 months

Thursday 15th August 2024
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Hi I had a problem with my battery went flat and not taking a charge so change my battery
And alternator it blown fuse behind alternator replaced all three items.
About 50 mile later alternator went. Was it bad look or could I have another problem before running with new alternator .Thanks for any help.


10,680 posts

235 months

Friday 16th August 2024
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If the alternator is toast then fit a replacement - take care not to damage the very frail oil feed pipe on the block that TVR [sensibly] located under the alternator. There is minimal - 5mm - space to manouvre.

I'd relocate the alternator fuse from behind the front wheel to the inner wing next to the airbox and change to a 'midi' fuse rather than the metal strip original ones.

Once changed, check what the alternator is charging at - should be around 13.7V while running anything outside of this is an issue.

While there could be another issue it could just be general wear and tear on a 20-year old car.