JayEmm Sagora Video

JayEmm Sagora Video



Original Poster:

6,304 posts

182 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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I was expecting to see a thread on this already

Seems like a very well executed build, marred only by a ridiculous exhaust


400 posts

193 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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Clearly impressive work but imho the look doesn't work at all - but hey, that's what having different taste is about - all power to the builder if it's what he wanted.

I think the contrasting black highlights in particular really don't work.


881 posts

140 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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heres the link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13wugpHCBVs)
Q) wasn't there a "sagamora" built before this? or is it the unfinished project that its born from?


458 posts

8 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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I haven’t watched the video for a few weeks now but I seem to remember him saying it was a project that’s been finished off so probably the same car.


904 posts

260 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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I have built five of these cars now I think with the first one completed in 2006. This one is nothing to do with me apart from the idea .

Edited by plasticman on Wednesday 20th November 13:52


458 posts

8 months

Wednesday 20th November 2024
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plasticman said:
I have built five of these cars now I think with the first one completed in 2006. This one is nothing to do with me apart from the idea .

Edited by plasticman on Wednesday 20th November 13:52
That’s good to know.
Jay needs to do his research better biggrin