It's a good 'un



Original Poster:

34,444 posts

313 months

Wednesday 26th September 2001
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After the initial review in Evo I was suspicious. It was so glowing I wasn''t prepared to take it at face value and assumed they were being a bit kind to TVR because they were given the car first. Then Top Gear, Auto Express. All such positive PR. It all seemed too good to be true. Yesterday I spoke to someone who has spent a fair amount of time driving the various prototypes. He''d already spent a long time enthusing about how the Tuscan S was so much better than the Tuscan and in turn a generation on from the Griffs and Chimaeras. Then we got onto the Tamora and he said the Tamora was an even better car than the Tuscan S. I assumed it would be similar since the chassis are almost identical but there are other differences which make it better such as the way the steering is set up. It''s also a lot simpler to build compared with the Tuscan apparently. I''ve been too obsessed about it''s dodgy looks to consider the dynamics. It seems (not surprisingly) that the years of racing have been useful for TVR and they''ve now produced a truly brilliant car. Like most people got used to that grille on the Tuscan I guess perhaps we''ll get used to the Tamora''s styling?


81 posts

284 months

Wednesday 26th September 2001
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I think it's a little belter !!! Can't wait for it to arrive in the States.....


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 26th September 2001
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My God, Ted, don''t say you''re coming round to my way of thinking!! I''m just about ready to get mine specced up, after sorting out the p/ex on my Chimaera, and deciding how to finance the new Tamora.


Original Poster:

34,444 posts

313 months

Thursday 27th September 2001
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Guess so... I must admit I wasn''t a huge fan of the Tuscan when it came out but really quite like it now. Stick in the mud me?


378 posts

294 months

Friday 28th September 2001
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At least the plastic is the easy bit to change if TVR feel like it later....


167 posts

281 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2001
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Good review in Autocar today too.


285 posts

286 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2001
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Finally saw one in the flesh at Silverstone on Saturday. It certainly looks better than in some of the pics I've seen, and the colour this one was in was fairly kind (blue/green). Sitting between a Chim and a Tuscan it did occur to me that it was quite a small car but I think that will do it favours both dynamically and with the press. Personally I'd go for a Tuscan but if someone were to let me drive them both, so for a month at a time... Anyway, that's my opinion but I'm just a youngster so what do I know, eh? Chris (and a Purple Chim 450)


7,156 posts

287 months

Sunday 7th October 2001
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Its a little belter. Dad came down to Cheltenham in the press car (the yellow one that is now red) and said it ran like a dream. Both Roop and myself had a spin in it and I must say we both loved it. I'm only 5 foot 4 and I could see over the bonnet and reach the peddles no problem. I tried to do a swap with Dad, my jeep for the Tamora but he wouldn't. Meanie