

Original Poster:

6,809 posts

288 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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The Tamora is seriously mixing it with the big boys - looks like it's considered in the top 4 or 5 cars in the world - bettered only by the 360, Mitsubishi Evo, and M3, but on a par with the 911GT2. Absolutely fantastic result - we should all be very proud of our favourite marque!!


7,598 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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But that's only because they didn't test it as comprehensively like wot Drivel did


39,731 posts

294 months

Thursday 8th November 2001
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yeah...did they do the bananas up the exhaust pipe test or how many hatstands you can fit in the glove box?


3,280 posts

293 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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I dont know if anyone else remembers the magazines at the time reviewing the Griff 4.3 and 5.0?

The one thing that I remember was that TVR didnt get that much coverage - always regarded as a marginal player for the enthusiast only.

Look how far they have come now! Mixing it with the big boys and coming up well in comparison.

I guess TVR are proud of the achievements they have made....

Only one question though - if this is what 8 years development brings, what will the next 8 years do? I cant wait...




21,551 posts

294 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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yes but why does the car need to be so ugly.... I certainly would not buy it !


2,061 posts

282 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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Ahh well.. your loss!



34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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yes but why does the car need to be so ugly

Because TVR have discovered the wind tunnel.


39,731 posts

294 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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maybe they are still coming to terms with aerodynamics ....the Maclaren is a sorted machine but looks fine, or is it an effort to make an individual and aerodynamic car


1,537 posts

293 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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One question - why did they describe the brakes as being wooden and the steering as having no feel ? The brakes in a Tuscan are absolute fab, with feel from the top of the pedal, and the steering is great too. Just curious as I thought the running gear was almost identical.


34,444 posts

313 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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I thought the steering was spot on, one of the best features of the car.


2,745 posts

283 months

Friday 16th November 2001
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I thought the steering was spot on, one of the best features of the car.

maybe TVR hasn't overcome variations between each production car...
remember the first cerbies


9,238 posts

294 months

Sunday 18th November 2001
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"yes but why does the car need to be so ugly"

It's all a matter of opinion isn't it?
I love it and have driven three different ones now. All of them were leagues ahead of my old Griff and Cerbera handling and steering wise, the seats are Fantastic as are the controls and readouts which are operated by a little button behind the steering wheel and tell you everything that the car is doing. OK the styling isn't to everyones taste but I beg you to go and test drive it before you judge it. I think it's the best car TVR have bulit yet and that's why the magazines are going mental over it.
I wouldn't take heed of what they said on "Driven(drivel) after all who can take anyone serious who does a "jelly test" in a car...pathetic.


16,370 posts

294 months

Sunday 18th November 2001
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maybe they are still coming to terms with aerodynamics ....the Maclaren is a sorted machine but looks fine, or is it an effort to make an individual and aerodynamic car

Yeh but did you see what they did to that with the long tail version Ughh


1,329 posts

301 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Yes I can only agree that watching the driven team walk about Millbrook last month made me realise that the only real TV car programme I rated was Top Gear when Clarkson was there. When is he coming back?

I would love to see the report he would make on the Tamora. Forget the `jelly test', he would use the `welly test'
To Driven

To Clarkson's return


39,731 posts

294 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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even better, Tiff giving it some on a runway....with suitable musical accompanyment of course