RE: Tamora Build

Tuesday 20th November 2001

Tamora Build

Piccies from the production line



Original Poster:

19 posts

281 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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...there's something wonderful about seeing what a complete mess the TVR factory is...true British manufacturing is not dead...


53,225 posts

294 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Nice touch with the builders name plate, shame about the glue oozing out from behind the plaque. Oh..why do TVR insist on using so much glue for everything Rich...


2,500 posts

293 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Well atleast you know how to blame when the engine fails on you


34,444 posts

313 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Campbell! Where have you been? The place hasn't been the same without you


1,329 posts

301 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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Have you noticed where the sump is and the fact that TVR now quote 350 Bhp on their website and not the 330 bhp they mentioned earlier in the year.

It's getting faster boys


13,318 posts

290 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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You can never have too much power.
Are you going to hold the Triffle or attack me with a power washer?

Edited by raceboy on Tuesday 20th November 20:46


39,731 posts

294 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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how accurate is that 350bhp quote, anyone know what size it is yet, dry sump or wet


1,329 posts

301 months

Tuesday 20th November 2001
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A dry sump for sure - its sitting in the same place as the Tuscan in front of the engine. 350 bhp is quoted directly off the tvr-eng website


13,318 posts

290 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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It was quick enough for me, and the boys in the mondeo with the extra lights on the roof, a bit to close I think!


1,329 posts

301 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Is it true that you have got the highest rev's in the country in a Tamora?


6,809 posts

288 months

Wednesday 21st November 2001
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Isn't the Honda S2000 red-lined at 9000?


1,329 posts

301 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Yes the Honda will rev higher than the Tamora (unless Steve is driving it) - but I was commemting on the fact that raceboy was only supposed to blow the bloody doors off at 5000 rpm not 6500!! well I'm sure it will loosen up the old fellow up - car and driver

Edited by jamer on Thursday 22 November 08:13


2,380 posts

279 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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and did you notice the rust already on the chassis in one of the shots......bloody hell come on TVR


7,156 posts

287 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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and did you notice the rust already on the chassis in one of the shots......bloody hell come on TVR

All chassis and bodies are stored outside in the yard as there is no other place to store them and when needed brought in and cleaned up. Nowt wrong with that.


1,107 posts

279 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Nothing wrong with leaving chassis in the yard ? Nothing except that rust is quite capable of working from the inside out as well as from the outside in


7,156 posts

287 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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They are coated and fully treated before going outside.


1,107 posts

279 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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In that case why does markbigears think one of the chassis is rusty ? Coated and Fully treated is a touch vague. Are they galvanised these days ? Do you work for TVR BTW ?


1,107 posts

279 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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My last comment read like a flame. Not my intention. Sorry I'm just intrigued.


7,156 posts

287 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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The top picture shows a bit of rust on a chassis. They could be out there for a good few months so are bound to have a bit of rust. Before the body is fitted they are all cleaned up.

The factory is very crowdedd as it is and so they are making use of all available space.

As for working there no I don't both my parents do and have been there for about 25 years. So I have been around the factory since I was knee high to a tyre. No offence taken.

Edited by Gaffer on Thursday 22 November 15:03


1,107 posts

279 months

Thursday 22nd November 2001
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Thanks Gaffer. I wonder if TVR have ever considered contracting out chassis builds, as Caterham do ? This would reduce the need for them to hang around in the yard enjoying the bracing Blackpool air !