The T*at on the Yellow R1

The T*at on the Yellow R1



1,142 posts

227 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Yes mate, I do F*cking get it: You drive a car but think you know exactly how a bike should be ridden. Then you come on here and have a rant about a biker doing what I'm sure plenty of people on here have done themselves. Namely, gone a little quicker than the speed limit, and passed on the left when the car in front is not doing the decent thing and moving over to allow him through. JESUS - as you say.
No-one but you saw the guys riding, and even you didn't see the incident. You seem to think that him stopping at the side of the road makes him and even bigger ascensorede, and you seem to think people on here - most of us bikers - and going to blindly accept that you are unquestionably right.
I was merely playing Devils advocate and pointing out how the same story could be seen from two angles. Seeing the nature of your subsequent posts and you're belief that you couldn't possibly be wrong I'd say yes please - stick to cars.

Edited by yellowvette on Tuesday 20th February 11:20


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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yellowvette said:
Yes mate, I do get it: You drive a car but think you know exactly how a bike should be ridden. Then you come on here and have a rant about a biker doing what I'm sure plenty of people on here have done themselves. Namely, gone a little quicker than the speed limit, and passed on the left when the car in front is not doing the decent thing and moving over to allow him through. JESUS - as you say.
No-one but you saw the guys riding, and even you didn't see the incident. You seem to think that him stopping at the side of the road makes him and even bigger ascensorede, and you seem to think people on here - most of us bikers - and going to blindly accept that you are unquestionably right.
I was merely playing Devils advocate and pointing out how the same story could be seen from two angles. Seeing the nature of your subsequent posts and you're belief that you couldn't possibly be wrong I'd say yes please - stick to cars.
You are not reading this! If all inthe outside lane pulled over when we are doing well over the limit for bike then it would just be the BIKE lane - I have no issue with bike I rode then alot when younger.

YOU weren't there either - so get of your bloody high horse mate. Bored Bored Bored - there must be a way to stop your own threads! Or at least not see them.


2,908 posts

269 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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You need both sides of the story...

I use a bike every day up to london and cover about 30K miles a year on bikes. On the M4 I see some utter knobbers on bikes, steaming through traffic at stupid speeds no matter what the conditions. I'm not slow, but some people border on reckless. There's filtering and filtering.

My reading of the orginal post was that a bike passed too close on the left in flowing traffic? If that is the case, BIG IF, then I would think knobber too...


6,356 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Clarkson summed this up on a recent TG. If there's room to undertake then there's room to move over (I'm not talking filtering here). This applies whether a bike or car is being held up. If someone wants to go faster than you, just more over and let them get on with it.

Commuting seems to bring out the worst of them. There are a huge number of myopic censoreds (tm) on my commute too and then there's those that actively block you and then daren't look at you when you draw along side.


Edited by Steve_T on Tuesday 20th February 11:41


1,142 posts

227 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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jellison said:
You are not reading this! If all inthe outside lane pulled over when we are doing well over the limit for bike then it would just be the BIKE lane - I have no issue with bike I rode then alot when younger.

YOU weren't there either - so get of your bloody high horse mate. Bored Bored Bored - there must be a way to stop your own threads! Or at least not see them.

You just get better and better don't you. I am reading it, but not knowing you (and having no desire for that to ever change, frankly) I'm reading it from an unbiased viewpoint. Maybe it's how you write, but you're posts have not convinced me the biker was the fool you claim. IF he was riding between fast moving lanes of traffic then yes, that's daft. Most people who lane hog assume they are totally in the right though, how am I supposed to know you aren't one of them ? Should I just say - Oh, he's bound to be right, he's posting on here after all ? I know there are plenty of idiots on bikes, and he may well have been one of them - but I'm not convinced from what you have said. However, from your subsequent posts and your display of ignorance and rudeness, I'm starting to come down on the side of the biker more and more.
If you'd like to take your head out of your arse for a moment you'll see I'm not on a high horse. The best way to stop your own threads is not to post this sort of crap in the first place.

Edited by yellowvette on Tuesday 20th February 12:31


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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You should get and R1 Steve.


2,908 posts

269 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Steve_T said:
Clarkson summed this up on a recent TG. If there's room to undertake then there's room to move over. This applies whether a bike or car is being held up. If someone wants to go faster than you, just more over and let them get on with it.


Different with bikes though. I've seen situations where a car in the middle lane is doing over the limit and being overtaken by a car in the fast lane and then a bike going between the two. In that situation I'd say, as a very committed biker, that the biker is a nob. Simple as.

In the case of this thread there are two sides, don't know speeds, situations etc, but not all drivers are bad and not all bikers are good.


6,356 posts

277 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Twit said:
Steve_T said:
Clarkson summed this up on a recent TG. If there's room to undertake then there's room to move over. This applies whether a bike or car is being held up. If someone wants to go faster than you, just more over and let them get on with it.


In the case of this thread there are two sides, don't know speeds, situations etc, but not all drivers are bad and not all bikers are good.

Totally agree.


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Twit said:
Steve_T said:
Clarkson summed this up on a recent TG. If there's room to undertake then there's room to move over. This applies whether a bike or car is being held up. If someone wants to go faster than you, just more over and let them get on with it.


Different with bikes though. I've seen situations where a car in the middle lane is doing over the limit and being overtaken by a car in the fast lane and then a bike going between the two. In that situation I'd say, as a very committed biker, that the biker is a nob. Simple as.

In the case of this thread there are two sides, don't know speeds, situations etc, but not all drivers are bad and not all bikers are good.
Just pointing out my side - been tracking all day and hardly hanging about (easily fastest car at Mallory all day) - so I think I can tell ODD ridering / driving. I love a good race with a bike (on a nice open (private)road,(have the car to not get blown away by them).


2,525 posts

255 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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jellison said:
You don't F*cking get it do you - no biker HAS to under take! If they choose to when a car is doing a good speed in the outside lane and all lane are pretty full then that make him the reckless one. So you expect the whole outside lane to be free for bikers now.

Can someone close this thread - JESUS!

A car shouldn't really be sitting in the outside lane, If there was room to undertake you you could have moved over, seems to me you got caught daydreaming


1,570 posts

262 months

Tuesday 20th February 2007
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Why do car drivers come into BB to vent spleen at an experience that they have had on the road that is then explained, subjectively? This seems to be on the increase recently.

What are the original posters looking for? Collaboration? Agreement? Justification of their actions? Support?

I don't go into any of the other forums and say, for instance, how much of an idiot Mr. X was in his XTRRR-3000 ItaloGermano Supercar was a complete arse and couldn't drive for toffee as I wanted to traverse an A road at my typical pace and he was holding me up, the bastid.

We all love both cars and bikes so why beat each other up? Surely we would be better venting at those that do not want us to enjoy these forms of transport at all (tree huggers, etc.)

Just my 2p for what it is worth.

Please guys, have a beer on me and lets enjoy the roads together.


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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So all the outsidelane should move over into the middle lane then!

And this is not a pop at Bikes or bikers - just one person, you may be perfect - other aren't.

Let it lie....


3,785 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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jellison said:
So all the outsidelane should move over into the middle lane then!

And this is not a pop at Bikes or bikers - just one person, you may be perfect - other aren't.

Let it lie....

When the bike passed you was there a car to your left?

Did the bike pass you in your lane, or in the middle lane?


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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PhillVR6 said:
jellison said:
So all the outsidelane should move over into the middle lane then!

And this is not a pop at Bikes or bikers - just one person, you may be perfect - other aren't.

Let it lie....

When the bike passed you was there a car to your left?

Did the bike pass you in your lane, or in the middle lane?

been asked see below.


3,785 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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I know its been asked but you have nor answered clearly.

Now lets try again, was there a car to your left when the bike passed you? Yes or no?

Did the bike pass you in your lane? yes or no?


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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PhillVR6 said:
I know its been asked but you have nor answered clearly.

Now lets try again, was there a car to your left when the bike passed you? Yes or no?

Did the bike pass you in your lane? yes or no?

Does it really matter - in my lane on the left front of my car (with car to his left too) all lanes averagely full. The point is He should have just been gone not seen him 3 more times!


8,352 posts

237 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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jellison said:
The point is He should have just been gone not seen him 3 more times!

There's no point there though Jellison - there's any number of reasons why he may have stopped a couple of times.

Maybe he was a tt, maybe not - we'll never know now I guess!


Original Poster:

12,803 posts

282 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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If he had come past on the back wheel I would be praising him, Star Boyz Style hehehe.


4,595 posts

222 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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One thing that does not yet seem to have been mentioned is that technically (as stated in the Highway Code and although not law, said publication is often cited as a guideline in Court and rules are generally excepted to be 'Law'), the outside lane is an overtaking lane and the fast lane should be used there after. If as you say, you were traveling at a brisk rate and the road was not overly congested, why did you not move over once the middle lane was free?
I am not saying that I never do any wrong, far from it, and I really do not like 'pocket Police men' and do not wish to come across as one but as has been said before on this thread, we are not in possession of enough facts and it does seem that on this occasion at least, maybe after a long and arduous day at the track, you were tired and eager to get home, recounted the situation on here just to get it off of your chest and now you have calmed down and received so many contrary replies to your original post, you can see the situation in a more unbiased light and wish that you had never started?
I have indeed found myself in a similar situation on more than one occasion yes


12,117 posts

234 months

Wednesday 21st February 2007
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GTWayne said:
One thing that does not yet seem to have been mentioned is that technically (as stated in the Highway Code and although not law, said publication is often cited as a guideline in Court and rules are generally excepted to be 'Law'), the outside lane is an overtaking lane and the fast lane should be used there after. If as you say, you were traveling at a brisk rate and the road was not overly congested, why did you not move over once the middle lane was free?

Just to be pedantic – there is no such thing as the ‘fast lane’ nono any lane other than the left lane is an overtaking lane.

The original poster obviously though that the chap on the R1 was riding like an idiot. No one else was there and that was his judgement. No one else was there so it would be incorrect for anyone to make assumptions. Likewise, I think the OP has accepted that he didn’t see the final incident thus was not in a position to pass judgement on that and was incorrect in his ‘assumption’ that the R1 rider ‘got what he deserved’ without further information.

There is nowhere else constructive for this thread to go! judge

Now let’s see who can’t resist posting just one more comment! boxedin