Drive in Classic Car show. Bicester

Drive in Classic Car show. Bicester



Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Tuesday 15th September 2020
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Just to inform anyone interested in the viper that the VOA will have a club stand at the 3 day event (Friday 18th september - Sunday 20th).
We should have up to 12 cars displayed on Saturday 19th.

Strict Covid rules will be in place on the stand and at the event.
Don't forget your face mask wink


637 posts

159 months

Wednesday 16th September 2020
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Looking forward to it, see you all there on Saturday


Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Wednesday 16th September 2020
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Virgin Radio Breakfast show tomorrow morning is doing a plug for the show I have sent in some blog on the Vipers so we may get a plug thumbup


Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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Edited by fatboy18 on Tuesday 22 September 19:55


Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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On the Saturday we had 10 vipers on display.

Thanks to all that turned up to support us thumbup


8,735 posts

201 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2020
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Was it any good?


Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Wednesday 23rd September 2020
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stuartmmcfc said:
Was it any good?
Yes really good. thumbup

Security staff constantly keeping an eye on people making sure there social distancing was ok. One or two pinch points but in general everyone adhered to the rules.
Couple of bottles of champagne shared around in disposable flutes on the VOA stand kept members happy. smile
Sunshine for 3 days (no rain) and a good selection of car clubs.
Check out YouTube for videos of Bicester show.
+ If you were on the club stand it was a free show thumbup

Edited by fatboy18 on Wednesday 23 September 12:47


637 posts

159 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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Nice interview Mark!

..........even my car got a few seconds of air time too smile


Original Poster:

19,227 posts

220 months

Sunday 27th September 2020
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Cheers Paul thumbup