New gearbox and engine mounts

New gearbox and engine mounts



Original Poster:

166 posts

101 months

Wednesday 21st October 2020
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Changed the old ones due to gear change not being great when revving hard and was expecting to see a broken one, old tranny mount looked good, I changed the tranny brace for the uprated one due to it being on offer and the only thing I could see wrong with the engine mounts was that they sagged due to the weight of the engine.
I was not expecting things to be much different as there was nothing I could see that wrong but I took it up the road for a blast and wow what a difference, I can change gears when revving hard so am very happy, I know the shift will never be a quick affair but im hoping to make it a little better by adding a short shifter and new bronze bush


19,227 posts

220 months

Wednesday 21st October 2020
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thumbup Well done smile