Customised Minis etc...

Customised Minis etc...



1,279 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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That was a very wet day at Beaulieu, but still enjoyable!


18,589 posts

288 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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mk1coopers said:

Would love to know the history behind that one?
Sort of Rochdale/Biota front and Ogleish rear with a touch of Deep Sanderson thrown in


1,279 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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1,279 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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18,589 posts

288 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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mk1coopers said:
Fascinating, never heard of it even though I'm 65.



18,589 posts

288 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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mk1coopers said:

Oooh, Piper GT


18,589 posts

288 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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mk1coopers said:

Oooh, Piper GT


1,279 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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The Piper is one of the only cars that can make a Sprint look like it has a high roofline laugh


1,279 posts

158 months

Thursday 21st March 2019
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Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Saturday 23rd March 2019
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Are those Dunlop alloys on the Austin Seven Mini...?


1,279 posts

158 months

Saturday 23rd March 2019
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Don't think they are dunlops, look more like Alcans


510 posts

152 months

Sunday 14th April 2019
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I've only just seen this thread some great photos; the problem is that it rekindles interest biggrin


Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Monday 5th August 2019
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Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Sunday 11th August 2019
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Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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Cledus Snow

2,108 posts

194 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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P5BNij said:
I took that photo. bowtie Car belongs to a good family friend.

Untitled by jack chevelle, on Flickr
With my Father's Mk1 Cooper.

Untitled by jack chevelle, on Flickr
Not racing.


Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Lovely car, looks great on those Mambas, nice Mk1 Cooper too wink


Original Poster:

15,875 posts

112 months

Tuesday 20th August 2019
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Taurus tuned 1964 Mk1 Cooper S...

Cledus Snow

2,108 posts

194 months

Wednesday 21st August 2019
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P5BNij said:
P5BNij said:
What’s going on with these two? Are the moulded flared arches just blended grp, steel or are they a non UK shell like a Mini cord.

Edited by Cledus Snow on Wednesday 21st August 17:57