Neville Trickett, creator of the Minisprint has passed away

Neville Trickett, creator of the Minisprint has passed away



Original Poster:

1,290 posts

159 months

Tuesday 31st May 2022
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Neville Trickett, the creator of the original Minisprint passed away last week, an extremely talented man who lead a very interesting life, his creations will live on as a Tribute to his skills, also designing the car that was used by Dr Who (WHO 1) and being involved with many more projects, a sad loss to the Mini community.


587 posts

141 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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sad news here's my 's' in 1967 I wish I still had it


15,875 posts

113 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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I read about this on the MkI forum the other day, what an interesting life he had. I didn’t realise he design the Dr.Who car.

The one old Mini I still want to own over any other is one of Neville’s Minisprints.


Original Poster:

1,290 posts

159 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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When Neville was running Neville Trickett Design in Blandford he was also involved with SIVA, I guess that's not something we would have discussed over on the MK1 PC forum smile

Is it time for the Maser to go to be replaced by a Sprint ?


15,875 posts

113 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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mk1coopers said:
When Neville was running Neville Trickett Design in Blandford he was also involved with SIVA, I guess that's not something we would have discussed over on the MK1 PC forum smile

Is it time for the Maser to go to be replaced by a Sprint ?
Thanks for the link wink

If Icould afford to I’d have the Maser and a Sprint!


Original Poster:

1,290 posts

159 months

Wednesday 1st June 2022
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