Canem. Electronic Ignition stuck on 10 degrees! Help

Canem. Electronic Ignition stuck on 10 degrees! Help



Original Poster:

25 posts

69 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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Hi , I was wondering if anyone can help me. I've bought the ignition system from Canem.

Its being used on a 1380 A series similar to Miglia spec. Cam etc, With a weber 45 ( with TPS ), and using ford coil pack, obviously toothed wheel on pulley and bosch crank sensor.

Everything appears to be working. With the laptop connected the realtime inputs and outputs are all responding and the 'cursor' bounces round both the map chart and the 3d map when running as it should. . I strobed static timing etc and the installation seemed to go smoothly.

The only thing is its stuck on 10 degrees!!!. The output boxes show the revs and throttle pos flickering/ changing in realtime but the advance stays on 10 degrees.

When i check the Log its only ever been on 10 degrees!

The fixed advance on the static timing page is unticked, and 2d maps is off. .

I've been through every drop down menu n had a tweak but can't suss it.

Im still waiting for advice from Canem via Email ( as they dont take phone calls anymore)

I was wondering has anyone else experienced this before as I'm getting no-where. .
Is it a firmware issue???

Any help or correspondance would be greatly appreciated.



17,489 posts

254 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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Do they use the EDIS system like Megajolt etc ?

It's fallback when things go awry is a default 10deg


Original Poster:

25 posts

69 months

Monday 20th February 2023
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Thanks for the response.
One of the supposed upsides of the Canem is they don't need the Edis module, the coil driver is built in. Interesting that the default 'fail' is 10 degrees this is almost certainly whats happening here then a problem with hardware not the software.

There are only the 2 inputs (TPS and missing tooth crank sensor) and these are both showing readings. The car starts and runs so coil pack is working and there's not really much you can get wrong wiring wise.

I'll float the original post on a more general forum see of I get any more posts.

Thanks again