Electric webasto sunroof

Electric webasto sunroof



Original Poster:

1 posts

3 months

Monday 22nd July
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Hi new to the forum so hello to all

I’m looking for a bit of advice/guidance. I have a British open webasto sunroof that was in need of repair so I dismantled it all to then rebuild. However, having issues with the sunroof motor. It was working before ie on car but when removed and tested on a battery there is nothing. The switch seems to work fine ie it is providing 12v to the motor but it’s not moving at all, maybe the motor is dead? (Ground seems to be ok). I’m sure I’m not the first that this happened to so my questions are this:

Are there any replacement motors that could be used from any other cars? Appreciate that the original motors are NLA and likelihood of getting a 2nd hand one are likely nil.

Can an auto electrician mend these?. Maybe it’s just the wiring on the motor that needs to be recoiled? If so does anyone know of any that would look at doing this. Sounds v specialist that some auto electricians might not touch.

Appreciate any thoughts
Many thanks