


Original Poster:

2,369 posts

233 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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Is there anywhere that lists companies that are interested in sponsorship or is it a case of creating a list and calling? (Large PLC's etc)

Never really looked at this as a form of revenue but i'm guessing it could be quite good if you team up with some big names?

Any starting points?



3,337 posts

267 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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I'm not aware of some "Blue Book" of potential sponsors, certainly not the larger companies.

There are a handful of specialists out there who work "the wrong way round" placing sponsors with teams (in whatever field). These are often one-man bands who are highly connected. Prospective sponsors may also use their marketing agencies. I've been called on a couple of times, when they realised my motorsport knowledge, to research areas:
- "What can we do in Formula 1 with our budget?"
- "Give us a big idea in motorsport"
- "We're thinking BTCC. Work out a deal with someone."
One benefit there is that I'm looking as much at the exploitation possibilities as the exposure and media value. I was told several times that I was the only person doing it this way.

I would suggest there is something in being a sponsorship broker, working for both sponsor and team. Finder's commission is significant, and you could take a lot of hassle out of both parties.
- Findng sponsorship for teams, researching & & writing proposals
- Diverting all proposals away from the CEO/Marketing Director and filtering for any that may be interesting.
- Researching projects for sponsors.


Original Poster:

2,369 posts

233 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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Thanks Rich some interesting bits there.

I may have come across a bit vague, I dont want to be a broker or anything like that, just simply looking at getting companies to pay for us to attend events and carry our service (alcohol breath testing) to the genral public, clients etc.

For example: at a motorsport event or music festival there could be "come and have a free breathalyser test here, provided free by XYZ plc."



3,337 posts

267 months

Tuesday 24th July 2007
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Cold Calling it is then. I would:
- Brainstorm a list of relevant events. Maintain it as an open list, and add as you think of more.
- Identify organisers and sponsors.
- Prepare a presentation/proposal with costings. I would suggest a standalone activity (you arrange staff and everything) and a turnkey programme (they supply staff). Separate the cost schedules into fixed (staff, equipment) and variable (clothing and other branded materials) so they have a guide price for the essentials and an indication of costs for their branding/exposure opportunities. Give them the flexibility to take a standard package, but also to tailor it to suit their needs.
- Start calling.


4,741 posts

247 months

Tuesday 24th July 2007
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Important points:
- Demonstrate that you know their company and their industry (do some research)
- Show how they will get a better return on their investment than normal advertising (in terms of hard figures, client/staff retention and market awareness)
- Don't speak about it to the receptionist or other call filtering person; make sure you speak with the decision maker. Sometimes best to call at 8am or 6pm when the normal staff have gone home (the boss will answer the company phone)
- Be professional; you are not being a racing driver, but a businessman
- Be tenacious

It's not easy at all, but good luck. If you can get a copy of Sponsorship and the World of Motor Racing by Guy Edwards, read it and digest it (except it is a bit out of date so use PowerPoint instead of the suggested slideshows!)


Original Poster:

2,369 posts

233 months

Tuesday 24th July 2007
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HiRich said:
Cold Calling it is then. I would:
- Brainstorm a list of relevant events. Maintain it as an open list, and add as you think of more.
- Identify organisers and sponsors.
- Prepare a presentation/proposal with costings. I would suggest a standalone activity (you arrange staff and everything) and a turnkey programme (they supply staff). Separate the cost schedules into fixed (staff, equipment) and variable (clothing and other branded materials) so they have a guide price for the essentials and an indication of costs for their branding/exposure opportunities. Give them the flexibility to take a standard package, but also to tailor it to suit their needs.
- Start calling.
I have a small list of events, and am just sorting out costings. So i'll do a basic package but leave it open for the variable bits. Then call call call.

Is there a job title for this sort of thing or is it ''the person who may deal with sponsorship enquirys'' ?

Thanks for that Rich.

PS - I am not a racer or looking for sponsorship on a race car / the like.
I provide an alcohol breath testing service to corporate events smile