7 year old c63 cab - will I like it ? Any owners ?

7 year old c63 cab - will I like it ? Any owners ?



Original Poster:

1,906 posts

173 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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Hi peeps,
I fancy a v8 cabriolet and a 2017 / 18 c63cab seems to fit the bill. I used to have a ferrrari California T which was great but I fancy something a bit more understated for weekends away in the summer.
A car I won’t fret about when I park it in th supermarket etc etc so am thinking of spending up too 35k on one.
I’d love to enjoy another v8 for a few years before we all get taxed off the road . .
Any long time owners on here ?
Are they a good fun car but also easy to live with ?
Any advice appreciated.


78 posts

54 months

Wednesday 4th December 2024
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swanseaboydan said:
Hi peeps,
I fancy a v8 cabriolet and a 2017 / 18 c63cab seems to fit the bill. I used to have a ferrrari California T which was great but I fancy something a bit more understated for weekends away in the summer.
A car I won’t fret about when I park it in th supermarket etc etc so am thinking of spending up too 35k on one.
I’d love to enjoy another v8 for a few years before we all get taxed off the road . .
Any long time owners on here ?
Are they a good fun car but also easy to live with ?
Any advice appreciated.
Never personally owned a cab but had a 2017 C63S saloon which went well and sounded epic, can only imagine the noise with no roof would be next level glorious 💯


624 posts

220 months

Thursday 5th December 2024
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I had a C63s for the summer this year, to be honest it was a bit boring, but it does depend on what you like. For me the driver engagement isn’t there.

But but but. Sunny day, roof down race mode the noise and brutal acceleration is awesome, however that wore of pretty quickly for me as really that’s all it does.

It won’t handle like a coupe, and they don’t handle, well, like an ///M but an ///M doesn’t have the theatre of a AMG. Personally if you don’t need 4 seats I would try and find an SL55, probably wouldn’t loose any money on that either as the good ones are becoming few and far between.



Original Poster:

1,906 posts

173 months

Friday 6th December 2024
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Thanks guys.
Can you drive it in comfort mode but with the exhaust openend up so you get the full benefit of the v8 sound ?


624 posts

220 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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The S model will have the sports exhaust so caves can be opened manually without it being in sport, the sports exhaust was an option so some cars have it, not many convertibles did, and there are not many genuine S convertibles about.

I wouldn’t buy a non S C63, but that’s just a personal preference, you want the seats and the exhaust if you are buying an AMG.


78 posts

54 months

Monday 9th December 2024
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Krise said:
The S model will have the sports exhaust so caves can be opened manually without it being in sport, the sports exhaust was an option so some cars have it, not many convertibles did, and there are not many genuine S convertibles about.

I wouldn’t buy a non S C63, but that’s just a personal preference, you want the seats and the exhaust if you are buying an AMG.
Incorrect. The ‘Sports’ exhaust was standard on all 205 C63 and C63S models, the ‘Switchable Performance’ exhaust was an option. The difference is the former has one valve and whose operation is based on throttle opening with no button to control it manually.

The latter has three valves and the button to use will.


Original Poster:

1,906 posts

173 months

Tuesday 10th December 2024
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Thanks guys,
I just love the sound of those engines!
I’m not the type to drive too fast but I do love the sound !